July 27, 2024

Chris Cuomo Makes Ivermectin About Face, Says Medical Community Gave Bad Information About the Drug

Chris Cuomo Makes Ivermectin About Face, Says Medical Community Gave Bad Information About the Drug

In this May 9, 2024 article for The Daily Mail, Bethan Sexton reports on the latest statements from former CNN host Chris Cuomo. In a podcast with PBD, Cuomo admits that he is now taking a regular dose of Ivermectin to treat his long Covid symptoms. Cuomo is known to criticize and ridicule personalities who use and promote Ivermectin for COVID treatment.

According to Cuomo, the “entire medical community knew that Ivermectin couldn’t hurt you…They knew it…I know they knew it…and they weren’t saying anything”. Cuomo believes that the information about Ivermectin was hidden because “It’s cheap, it’s not owned by anybody”

Editor’s Note: We respect Cuomo’s decision to speak out about his latest discovery about Ivermectin. We hope that the next time there is another fake pandemic, he will have the courage to ask the hard questions, and the will to look deep to find the true answers.

We hope that Cuomo has realized that “medical experts” should not be given the unquestioned authority to decide on the health decisions of individuals. We also hope that his experience will teach him that it is dangerous to have blind faith in the words of so-called experts, many of whom are not truly interested in our collective well-being.

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1 thought on “Chris Cuomo Makes Ivermectin About Face, Says Medical Community Gave Bad Information About the Drug

  1. What Henry Makow said before applies to Cuomo – All that is necessary for evil to triumph is good men be given good jobs. All that is necessary for the media to go against Ivermectin is good men like Cuomo be given good job in CNN.

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