July 27, 2024

House Approves Bill for Climate Change Response

House Approves Bill for Climate Change Response

In this November 30, 2023 press release, the House of Representatives announced the approval of the third and final reading of the Climate Change Resilience Act or House Bill No. 9084.

The bill recognizes the existence of a climate emergency and stresses the need for the Philippine government to “come up with measures to stop human-caused global warming, limit its effects, and mobilize funds for mitigation efforts”.

The third reading copy of the House bill may be found here.

Editor’s Note: By now, we should all know already the blueprint of the new world order [see Globalists are Exploiting Climate Change Fears for Global Financial Control, Nobel Prize Winner Cancelled by IMF After Denouncing Climate Change Alarmism, UN Partners With Google To Control Climate Change Narrative, Says, “We Own The Science”, IPCC Scientists: We Need Power To Prescribe Climate Policy].

The COVID scam may be wrapping up, but the challenge has just started for all of us who fight for freedom and human dignity. We hope that you will continue to join us in the next stage of our battle for humanity.

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