What Happens If We Just Stopped Oil? Six Billion Might Die, Says Experts

In this December 19, 2023 article for The Telegraph, economist and currency asset manager Neil Record looks at the impact of stopping the mining and use of fossil fuels.

Aside from power cuts, Record estimates that stopping oil cold turkey would also lead to the failure of communications systems, disruption of the food distribution system, starvation, and possibly, death.

Instead of stopping oil now, Record proposes “stopping oil when the technological and economic conditions allow it, consistent with an improvement in human wellbeing and that of the planet”.

Editor’s Note: Remember in 2021 when CNN’s Technical Director Charlie Chester said that after the COVID scamdemic, the mainstream media was going to drum up the climate narrative? [Access the full video linked in CNN technical director admits network used fear in COVID coverage to drive ratings up].

As the COVID hysteria wraps up, the “establishment” is once again using fear to push people into supporting irrational climate change policies [see California Gas Car Ban Shows What’s Wrong With Impulsive Climate Change Policies, Globalists are Exploiting Climate Change Fears for Global Financial Control, Peddlers Of Environmental Doom Have Shown Their True Totalitarian Colors].

We are now being bombarded by the New World Order in all areas of our lives. If we learned nothing during the COVID scamdemic, and we allow these manipulators to succeed in their plan, then we will have condemned our children to live in a slave society that is almost impossible to escape from [see Public Seminar Episode 29: The Great Reset is Here, Vandana Shiva: Great Reset Is a Project of Extermination, The Great Reset is Accelerating into Global Tyranny].

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