July 27, 2024

Paul Alexander: Data Shows COVID Vaccines Lead To Increased COVID Infection, Hospitalization, Deaths

Paul Alexander: Data Shows COVID Vaccines Lead To Increased COVID Infection, Hospitalization, Deaths

In this July 22, 2022 article, Dr. Paul Alexander explains the data from India, Austria, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, and Australia to show that “vaccinated nations with heavy vaccine leads to increased infections, then cases, then hospitalizations, and deaths”.

He says adds that because South Africa delayed the rollout of the vaccine, it created ”natural exposure immunity and the training of the innate immune system by its children and young persons”. He adds that this population-level immunity has enabled the country to clear its Omicron and sub-variant waves without trouble.

Editor’s Note: If only there still are real journalists out there, they would be able to see the patterns immediately – vaccines do not create herd immunity [see Geert Vanden Boosche: Natural immunity, not vaccines, will create herd immunity, Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals, NEJM Study Shows Vaccines Offers No Significant Advantage Compared To Natural Immunity].

A recent linear regression-based analysis is also showing that boosters are now promoting COVID deaths in Europe.

So why are we still bothering with COVID “vaccination”? Even the “updating” of the vaccine will not solve this problem because even this new vaccine has the inherent issues already found in the old one [see FDA Experts Approves Updating Of COVID Shots For A Variant That No Longer Exists, Why Do Variants Keep on Emerging Despite Vaccination and Stringent Lockdowns?].

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