WHO Says It Might End COVID Crisis But Global Data Shows There Is No Emergency

In this May 28, 2022 article for the Manila Standard, Vito Barcelo, Othel Campos et al. report that the World Health Organization (WHO) is working to declare an end to the COVID outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern.

In a press briefing, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s Technical Lead for COVID-19 said, “What we are trying to work toward this year is to end the emergency; to take the death and devastation of COVID-19 out of all countries, not just some countries”. She adds, “ Many countries have announced that their emergency is over, but that the pandemic is not. I think that’s an important distinction”.

Editor’s Note: This sounds like good news at first glance, but upon closer analysis, the promise of ending the “COVID emergency” means nothing in terms of returning to pre-pandemic life.

The problem with Kherkove’s statements is that it gives no idea of how the pandemic would end, given the majority of the world, today already has daily COVID deaths of zero per million people (see Image 1 below). What else does the WHO need to work on? What emergency are they trying to stop? [Also, in our earlier articles, we found that the emergency has ended in November 2020, long before the vaccines arrived, see COVID Case fatality rate has been stagnant since November 2020].

So far, the countries with the highest daily confirmed COVID deaths are today are also some of the most vaccinated countries in the world (Compare Image 1 with Image 2). If vaccines, deemed by the WHO as the “most powerful weapon” against COVID are not able to eradicate COVID deaths. How then does the WHO plan to “take death and devastation of COVID out of all countries”?

Image 1: Chart from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-death
Image 2: Chart from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations

Consider this: In Image 3 below, the Democratic Republic of Congo has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world, with only 1.29% of its target population vaccinated. Meanwhile, Canada is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, vaccinating more than 80% of its target population. If WHO’s strategies can do anything to stop the COVID devastation, why then does Canada have one of the highest daily COVID death rates today?

Image 3: Chart from https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer

If we are to base it on these graphs, one might say that the higher WHO’s presence in a country, the more COVID deaths there are. How then can WHO eradicate the COVID emergency if their own strategies are preventing countries from returning to normal? [One must realize that the WHO is not a health agency, but rather, a Big Pharma sales outlet. Read Why the WHO cannot be trusted, WHO insider blows whistle on Gates and GAVI global health dictatorship, Sign the Petition: Refuse and Reject the WHO Powergrab That Would Lead to Global Medical Martial Law, Matt Ridley: WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Leave the World at China’s Mercy].

We think that these most recent statements by Kerkhove are just attempts at salvaging the organization’s dwindling credibility. It could also be a response to the reality that more and more people are getting “tired” and “frustrated” with the COVID policies. More people are also awakening to the reality that lockdowns and COVID restrictions are now affecting economies and are now worried of the consequences.[efn_note]This is part of a study tracking public attitude regarding COVID vaccines and experiences, see https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-january-2022/[/efn_note]

The fear-based regime cultivated by the WHO is dismantling and they are scrambling to pick up the pieces. The question is: did people learn the lessons of the past two years? Are we going to allow them to trap us with another scamdemic? [Read WHO calls for emergency meeting as monkeypox cases in Europe cross 100].

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2 responses to “WHO Says It Might End COVID Crisis But Global Data Shows There Is No Emergency”

  1. Edwin Vercaza Avatar
    Edwin Vercaza

    Dear covidcalltohumanity,

    Your efforts are very much appreciated. We, your followers believe that the information you have been publishing have contributed a lot to how the PLANDEMIC has weakened its influence on our local setting because they have enlightened and empowered the Filipinos, especially the unvaccinated ones (from covid19 vaccines). They also have given a strong support to the global resistance against the evil forces WHO planned this PLANDEMIC. That’s why we have gained some victories so far.

    Please do not stop watching. Filipinos need you.

    God bless you more

    1. Thank you Edwin!

      We promised in 2020 that we will not stop until this scamdemic has ended. Even if the COVID scamdemic is near its end, the assault on humanity is not. We are now preparing ourselves for a much bigger battle – the battle for freedom and humanity. Please stay with us, and pray for the safety and strength of our team.

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