In a January 7, 2022 article published in The Defender, Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. reported that a federal judge ruled on January 6 that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will have eight months — not the 75 years it requested — to release all documents related to the licensing of Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID vaccine. [See FDA Now Wants 75 Years to Release Pfizer Vaccine Documents, not just 55 Years.]
According to the report, Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas rejected the FDA’s claim that it could release redacted versions of documents at a rate of only 500 pages per month, which would have meant the entire cache of records wouldn’t become public until 2096.
In his four-page order[efn_note][/efn_note], Judge Pittman ordered the FDA to produce over 12,000 pages of documents by January 31, and after that to “produce the remaining documents at a rate of 55,000 pages every 30 days, with the first production being by March 1, 2022, until production is complete.”
According to this timeline, the almost-400,000 pages of documents will have been made public, sans redactions, within eight months, rather than by the year 2097.
Editor’s Note: In Judge Pittman’s decision, it quoted President John F. Kennedy, “a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
This ruling is a victory for transparency and showing the people that the justice system is working. Also, this outcome will open the can of worms exposing rampant data manipulation and misinformation about the covid jab.
Once the truth comes out, how can governments explain this to the people? How will people accept that they were deceived?
In the Philippines, from the outset of the inoculation campaign, the Department of Health has guaranteed transparency[efn_note][/efn_note], but unfortunately, that’s water under the bridge. And what is more unfortunate, people never questioned but impulsively ingested what was being fed to them. Nonetheless, may we emphasize that DOH mentioned vaccines are still in the developmental stage, so taking the covid jab should be voluntary [see DOH says COVID-19 vaccination should be voluntary].
Why did DOH shift its stance, and it appears they are already part of the government agencies that mandate the vaccine? Also, DOH promotes herd immunity by inoculating a significant portion of Filipino citizens, despite evidence proving vaccination cannot drive herd immunity. [See Why Can’t COVID Vaccines Create Herd Immunity?]
In addition, vaccine-injured thronged on social media to reveal their stories. Maybe the government should probe this, especially since the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has recorded covid-19 vaccine-induced death on their preliminary report[efn_note][/efn_note]. What surprise awaits us in the final data?
FDA knew death is one of the possible adverse events; all the more people have the right to refuse [see FDA knew COVID vaccines would lead to severe adverse events, sanitized info was given to people to prevent vaccine-hesitancy]. People should demand transparency because the effect of the vaccine is individualized, and the government won’t take the agony once suffering strikes; vaccine-injured will be left on their own. [See Vaccine-injured Speak Out: DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.]
Transparency should include reiterating this is an experimental vaccine and discussing all the possible side effects, including death; that way, no one will demand the officials’ heads once fatality dawned. We have bodily autonomy, and only we can dictate what does and doesn’t enter our body. [See Physicians For Informed Consent release new documents discussing efficacy and risk of COVID vaccines vs. COVID infection; Without informed consent, COVID vaccines are illegal. Also, read University to Canadian Ethics Professor: Take the Jab or Lose Your Job.]
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