January 23, 2025
US Senator Calls on People to Choose Freedom Over Tyranny

The following article was written by US Senator Rand Paul and published in Fox News last August 3, 2021. Through his writing, he has instructed the public to resist the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the “petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats”.

Sen. Paul is already fed up with and declared his defiance to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, US President Biden, and local bureaucrats and unions’ bosses on mask mandates, lockdowns, and vaccination.

He declared he will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut the funding of Federal agencies that did not want to come to work. He promised the same thing to school systems that will attempt to keep children away from face-to-face classes.

He calls on people to stand up and exert the right to freedom.

He closes his speech with the following words: “We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom.” 

Editor’s Note: Sen. Rand Paul openly stood for freedom. He is the epitome of what a public servant should be: someone who fights for what is right and doing the right thing even though it is unpopular.

What we see now globally is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has power over our own governments. Our governments meekly follow whatever declaration they have, even if some of the WHO’s pronouncements already defy established scientific facts [see how much the WHO has defied its own pandemic recommendations for 2019, read [Will the real WHO please stand up?] What gave WHO this power? Or are our governments part of this large crime?

If you won’t stand for your freedom, who will? If we don’t speak now, when? This only doesn’t apply in the United States but is a global call to action.

There are now thousands, if not millions, of people who are already fighting for freedom and humanity. If you are not one of them, then seek the truth some more. Mainstream media have limited coverage of unrest and movement because they do not want to awaken you [read French rise up against Macron’s vaccine mandates; Citizens from more than 20 countries gather for simultaneous rally; Million-strong march for freedom in London ignored by mainstream media; Thousands of Canadians join March of Freedom against COVID-19 restrictions]. You should be asking why.

It has been 17 months since our disrupted lives. Do you think this will stop soon once we reach 100% vaccination coverage? Already, governments are talking about booster jabs and mandatory vaccinations. [See our new video, New Video from Covid Call to Humanity: Decon-1 to learn more about booster shots]. How many more of our freedoms are they going to take away from us?

Maybe Senator Rand Paul is just a mere instrument. We may not adhere to his views, but take it as a trigger to think critically and challenge the status quo. For further reading, we recommend Attention Lawyers! Take Action! We are in the Midst of Medical Martial Law. Our Human Rights Are Being Trampled Upon and Millions Harmed by Illegal lockdowns. Plus Hundreds of Thousands are Killed/Harmed by Illegal Vaccines. Disaster Amidst a Fake Health Emergency in the Philippines.; World’s most vaccinated nation activates new lockdowns as cases rise; Mask-free, lockdown-free Sweden is close to ZERO daily COVID deaths; Prof. Dolores Cahill: Assert your freedoms. Also, watch this video from Robert F. Kennedy for inspiration, Robert Kennedy gives inspiring message to citizens protesting against coronavirus restrictions.

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