The following article by Megan Redshaw was published by The Defender on June 29, 2021. In it, Redshaw reports on new data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the COVID infection among the fully vaccinated.
According to the CDC report, as of June 21, 2021, there are a total of 3,907 hospitalizations and 750 deaths among those who have contracted COVID two weeks after being fully vaccinated (these are what is called breakthrough infections). The CDC acknowledges that this is an undercount due to passive and voluntary reporting.
The CDC also says that a total of 10,262 breakthrough infections as of April 30. Last May 1, the CDC has changed its monitoring protocol to include only those breakthough cases that led to hospitalization and death. Included in the monitoring protocol was the lowering of cycle thresholds to 28 for the vaccinated [see CDC changes reporting protocol for breakthrough cases].
In the article, Redshaw also cited various reports showing that it is the fully vaccinated who are being infected by the Delta variant.
Editor’s Note: This article shows us concretely that vaccination is not the end of the “pandemic”. First, this article shows us that even the fully vaccinated who are infected with COVID can experience serious complications with the disease. Even the CDC knows that vaccines do not work for everyone, and yet they continue to promote it as a magic bullet that can bring COVID cases to zero [see COVID ‘vaccine failure’ more likely if you have a weakened immune system]. This alone tells us that the uber marketing of vaccines is due to reasons that are beyond health.
Second, there is some evidence pointing to the reality that vaccination can actually lead to increased COVID cases and deaths. In fact, there is preliminary evidence from the UK that is pointing towards antibody-dependent enhancement [see Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work].
We must remember that our governments have put our lives on hold for over a year while we waited for these vaccines. Now that they are here, we are seeing that they are useless against variants [earlier evidence has already shown this as the vaccines absolute risk reduction is very low, see Study: Public misled about the efficacy reports of mRNA vaccines and COVID vaccines not as effective as you think]. New studies are also showing us that these experimental vaccines are dangerous [read Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions, COVID vaccines kill two people for every three lives it saves, New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination].
Are we still thinking that booster shots will work? Do we still believe that lockdowns will fill in the gaps of vaccination? The stupidity has gone one long enough. It must now end [also see Attention Lawyers! Take Action! We are in the Midst of Medical Martial Law. Our Human Rights Are Being Trampled Upon and Millions Harmed by Illegal lockdowns. Plus Hundreds of Thousands are Killed/Harmed by Illegal Vaccines. Disaster Amidst a Fake Health Emergency in the Philippines.].
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