Year: 2020
Can antibodies against common cold fight against COVID-19?
This article published by the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports on two new studies by separate teams in Germany and the US which suggests that certain immune cells involved in the defense against the common cold can react when exposed to the SARS-CoV-2. The researches do not explore whether this cross-reactive immune response can affect clinical outcomes…
Michael Levitt: COVID-19 is a wake up call to young people, it is time to decide what is important
In this interview with Zenobia Lloyd for The Stanford Daily, Michael Levitt relates how he studied COVID-19 in order to make accurate predictions about its outcome. Levitt explains the statistical methodology he used to monitor the virus’ behavior and what knowledge about the virus he feels could been utilized for government policies to curb deaths. Levitt…
Representatives from various medical societies now part of the Philippines’ pandemic task force
Following the call medical community’s call for timeout last August 2, 2020, representatives from various medical societies have been included in the technical panel for crafting the “whole of nation approach”. According to Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles, the inclusion of medical experts is due to the President listening to their sentiments. The expert panel is…
Boosting immune system, a viable treatment strategy for COVID-19
New research findings from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis offers a new theory as to why COVID-19 patients become seriously ill. Senior investigator Richard Hotchkiss says that results are showing that the immune systems of involved patients are not doing enough to protect them from the virus, hence leading them in…
Sweden is winning against the coronavirus
In this article for Debunking Denialism, author Emil Karlsson attempts to wade through widespread misinformation to see the real facts about the Swedish coronavirus strategy. It looks at the primary data in official reports and statements made by Swedish public health officials. Karlsson’s research shows that Sweden did in fact have a grand strategy at defeating…
Sweden’s COVID death rate now lower than Spain, Italy, and UK despite no lockdown approach
Data from Sweden is showing a downward trend in new cases and new deaths, says Soo Kim in this report written for Newsweek last August 3, 2020. Compared to UK, Spain, and Italy, three of the worst hit countries in Europe, Sweden’s death rate per 100,000 people is lower, at 56.40. Meanwhile, UK reported a death rate…
Study: Treatment with hydrochloroquine cut COVID-19 death rate significantly
A new study published by the Henry Ford Health System shows that hydroxychloroquine reduces risk of death without heart-related side effects among COVID-19 patients. The large scale retrospective study was conducted from March 10 to May 2, 2020 and involved 2,541 patients. Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of the Infectious Disease for Henry Ford Health System…
Gates tries to justify side effects of fast tracked vaccines
In this article for his website, Dr. Joseph Mercola shows us that the coronavirus vaccine is not just an issue of health, but also of human independence. First, he shows us how current coronavirus vaccines, particularly that of Moderna, are failing to fulfill their promise, and are in fact causing harm to their subjects. Mercola…
How are Users Algorithmically Controlled While Online?
This second article by our guest writer, Boyd Collins, answers the question of how social media users are manipulated by the data trail they leave online, consciously or unconsciously. Facebook alone monitors 100,000 “elements” or aspects about the preferences and behavior of online users. Every aspect of users’ lives can be precisely captured by these…
Ensuring User Predictability on Social Media Platforms
How are users algorithmically controlled while online? If fifteen years ago, you had been told that by 2020 nearly everyone would carry around a device in their pocket that tracked their lifestyle, friends, prejudices, purchases, videos, political opinions, facial expressions, and physical location, you might have laughed and accused the teller of being a “conspiracy…