Category: Institutions (Forcing the reset)
How Transgenderism Can Lead To Transhumanism
In this analysis for the Catholic World Report, Sociology Professor Anne Hendershott tells us the story of Martine Rothblatt (born Martin Rothblatt). Rothblatt undewent a radical sex-reassignment surgery in 1994, and later on realized that transgenderism is just the first step towards immortality. In Rothblatt’s book entitled From Transgender to Transhuman, he says, “I came to realize that…
How COVID Normalized Social Stratification
This November 1, 2023 article written by Jeffrey Tucker looks at how the COVID panic has normalized social division and stratification, what he calls, the “society of us and them”. After 2020, our societal divisions were no longer between the haves and have-nots. Our governments also created fences among “the servers and the served, the…
Information Overload: Transgender Activists Are Using This Classic Strategy To Numb The Public To Their Radical Agenda
In this October 24, 2023 article for Life Site News, Jonathan Van Maren discusses how transgender activists use a strategic approach to desensitize the public to their radical agenda. It emphasizes their method of overloading social media with incremental changes in language and policy to gradually normalize their views and aims. Editor’s Note: If you…
Study: Puberty Blockers Exacerbate Mental Anguish For Trans-Identified Teens
A new analysis from the UK is showing that instead of improvement, more teenagers suffered a significant decline in their mental health when they were put on puberty blockers. According to the study, these medications may have exacerbated mental anguish rather than alleviating it, as was originally intended. The findings add complexity to the ongoing…
Pfizer is bankrolling campaign pressuring hospitals to offer surgeries for gender-confused children
What is the connection between pharmaceutical companies and the transgender agenda? Matt Lamb reveals in this report for Life Site News. According to Lamb, Pfizer, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, is funding the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which is pressuring hospitals to offer surgeries for gender-confused children. The report highlights the…
Girls Aged 15 to 17 Can Now Have An Abortion In Denmark
In a press statement, Danish Equality Minister Marie Bjerre announced that girls aged 15 to 17 years can have an abortion without parental consent. According to Bjerre, “The government wants young women to be able to decide about their own bodies and their own lives”. Editor’s Note: While the capacity to terminate pregnancy offers girls…
Dutch Governing Party Advocates for Pedophilia
In this February 24, 2023 article for The European Conservative, Tamás Orbán reports on the largely unnoticed statement released by the Young Democrats, the youth wing of the Dutch Democratic Party (D66). According to the statement, “Pedophilia is a sexual orientation that one is born with”. They advocate for the normalization of pedophilia because the…
Why Did So Many Institutions Fail To See The Scamdemic?
In this article for Epoch Times, Jeffrey Tucker tries to make sense of the “grave and existential” failure of many organizations to protect rights and liberties during the COVID “pandemic”. Tucker says, “There isn’t only one [reason] but there is a central theme to them all. All of these individuals, managers, and institutions chose fear…