February 10, 2025

Pfizer is bankrolling campaign pressuring hospitals to offer surgeries for gender-confused children

Pfizer is bankrolling campaign pressuring hospitals to offer surgeries for gender-confused children

What is the connection between pharmaceutical companies and the transgender agenda? Matt Lamb reveals in this report for Life Site News.

According to Lamb, Pfizer, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, is funding the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which is pressuring hospitals to offer surgeries for gender-confused children.

The report highlights the ethical concerns surrounding such surgeries, which can have long-term negative effects on children’s physical and mental health. It also raises questions about the role of pharmaceutical companies in promoting gender ideology and influencing medical practices.

Editor’s Note: We must be clear: every human being, regardless of sex, gender, race, etc. must be afforded respect and dignity. If we all looked at the intelligence of the human body and the purity of the human spirit, then gender will not be an issue. It will not matter whether you have female or male parts, what matters is that you are a human being, and hence, must be capable of exercising your rights.

What we are not in favor of indoctrinating children that their God-given bodies are something to be ashamed of. That they are not “enough” because they are in the wrong body.

It baffles us that the same people who call for “body-positive inclusiveness” are also calling for “gender-affirming” treatments that could permanently damage children. Can they not see the contradiction in their beliefs?

Just like during the COVID scamdemic, there is also a systematic campaign to silence de-transitioned individuals who regret undergoing invasive treatments at young ages. [This special report from Reuters admits that detransitioning and regret are untouchable topics, rationalizing that detransitioning is rare.] Instead of listening to the issues of detransitioners, transgender activists are resorting to personal attacks and character assassinations. Why?

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