Category: Big Pharma
Meryll Nass: Pfizer and FDA documents contradict official vaccine safety narrative
In this March 15, 2022 article published by The Defender, Dr. Meryl Nass lays out the evidence showing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) committing fraud. Here are some of the points raised by Nass: There was huge discrepancy between the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)…
US Federal Government Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots
In this March 3, 2022 article for The Blaze, Chris Pandolfo reports on the FOIA request filed by the media company showing that major news networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN, and other legacy media publications such as the New York Post, and The Washington Post all received advertising funds from the…
Top infectious disease expert in UK reveals anomalous practices in deciding country’s pandemic response
Professor Mark Woolhouse, a senior epidemiologist who has been advising the UK government about infectious diseases for 25 years reveals that he was told to “correct” his views after criticizing the “implausible” graph shown at an official briefing about the COVID-19 pandemic held last September 21, 2020. According to Woolhouse, the graph, which showed that…
Hidden Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Trial Data Suggests all Pregnant Vaccinated Women Miscarried
In a February 2, 2022 article published in The Expose, Captaindaretofly has reported that Pfizer has hidden covid-19 vaccine trial report suggesting that all pregnant vaccinated women miscarried. According to the report, a lawsuit filed by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency produced documents from Pfizer that revealed the miscarriage report. The report, titled “Cumulative…
Former FDA official: FDA negligent in not investigating myocarditis cases
The following article was written by David Gortler, a senior policy advisor at The Heartland Institute, and is the first pharmacist to be appointed to serve on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Senior Executive Leadership Team.[efn_note][/efn_note] It was published by The Federalist last February 10, 2022. Here are the most important points raised…
Ex-Blackrock Executive Warns: Pfizer, FDA Committed Fraud, Invalidates All Indemnity Contracts Signed
The following article was written by Dr. Justus Hope and was published by Desert Review last February 22, 2022. Here, Hope discusses the huge decline in the stock prizes of Moderna and Pfizer and explains what this means for the future of COVID in our countries. Hope discusses statements released by former Blackrock executive and…
Pfizer Trial Whistleblower Continues Lawsuit
This February 14, 2022 article published by Epoch Times, Zachary Stieber reports on the next steps in a lawsuit filed by a whistleblower against Pfizer and two other companies that performed the clinical trial of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, Ventavia, and ICON. According to the report, Brook Jackson filed a False Claims Act Suit against the…
PfizerGate Scandal: The Worldwide Cover-up of Data to Hide Covid-19 Vaccines Cause VAIDS
The Expose team has again proven how keen they are with the COVID-19 scamdemic investigation. In this article published on February 17, 2022, in The Expose, the team has unraveled a scandal bigger than Watergate. The team also challenges those in the mainstream media sitting on the fence; who’s gonna step up to the scoop?…
South African GP Who Raised Alarm on Omicron Says She was Pressured by Governments Not to Call the Variant “Mild”
In this February 10, 2022 article for News.Com.Au, Frank Chung reports on the interview between Germany’s Die Welt newspaper and Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South Africa Medical Association (SAMA) reveals that European governments had asked her to portray the new strains to be as serious as previous COVID variants. She said, “I was…
The Victory for Transparency: Judge Gives FDA Eight Months, Not 75 Years, to Produce Pfizer Safety Data
In a January 7, 2022 article published in The Defender, Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. reported that a federal judge ruled on January 6 that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will have eight months — not the 75 years it requested — to release all documents related to the licensing of Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID vaccine. [See FDA Now Wants 75…