July 27, 2024

Pfizer CEO received $24.3 million in compensation for 2021

Pfizer CEO received .3 million in compensation for 2021

In this March 18, 2022 article published by CNBC, Spencer Kimball reports that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has received a 15% increase in his compensation for 2021 following the company’s increase in profits.

According to the report, Bourla received an $8 million cash incentive on top of his salary of $1.69 million. He also received stock and options totaling $13.2 million and $1.38 million in other compensation.

Bourla’s bonuses came as a reward as Pfizer has booked a profit of nearly $22 billion in 2021, double the previous year’s income. Sales from the COVID vaccine totaled $36.7 billion, accounting for 45% of its annual revenue.

Editor’s Note: Should it even surprise us that Bourla is now promoting a fourth vaccine dose and an annual booster shot?1https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/22/pfizer-ceo-says-an-annual-covid-vaccine-is-preferable-to-periodic-boosters.html, https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/598026-pfizer-ceo-says-a-fourth-booster-shot-is-necessary/?rl=1

Remember: while you lost your source of income during the pandemic, here are these people profiting from an experimental vaccine. After discovering how much they can earn from COVID shots, do we really think that Pfizer is bound to pull out their products from the market? Who else could have received bonuses from Pfizer?

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