Category: Approaches of different countries
UK Chief Medical Adviser: No more lockdowns, will treat COVID like the flu
The following article was written by Sarah Knapton for The Telegraph. It was published last April 1, 2021. In a webinar given to the Royal School of Medicine, Prof. Chris Whitty says that lockdowns are unlikely to be needed again and Britain will need to treat the coronavirus like the flu. He says, “up to…
How did India flatten its COVID curve?
The following is an article written by Dr. Prenit Desai, Mr. Preetam Chavan, Dr. Kshipra Gharpure, Dr. Chitra Bargaje and Dr. Dhananjay Bakhle. It was published by Covexit on March 1, 2021. In this article, the authors reveal how the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has utilized treatment using medicines and certified regimens for…
More US states abandon draconian restrictions
In this article for the American Institute for Economic Research, Jordan Schachtel reports on the increasing number of state leaders who are declaring an end to lockdowns and mask mandates. As of March 3, 2021, when the article came out, 16 states have ended draconian COVID restrictions, with Mississippi and Texas the latest to join…
Sebastian Rushworth: Sweden’s Herd Immunity approach worked
In this article published on his website last January 25, 2021, Dr. Sebastian Rushworth shows to us the results of antibody testing in Sweden showing that the number of population with antibodies to COVID-19 has been increasing consistently over the past few weeks starting October 2020. Using data from Folkhalsomyndigheten, Dr. Rushworth says that by…
Collateral Global collates data on the effects of government responses to COVID-19
The following is a website created by a non-profit organization called Collateral Global Inc. It aims to “provide a resource for scholarship and research into the collateral effects of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.” By looking at the impact of coronavirus mandates, the initiators of the website hope to provide future researchers a way to…
How Finland and Norway proved Sweden’s COVID approach works
In this article for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Jonathan Miltimore reveals to us that Sweden is not the only country in the world that has imposed a laissez faire approach to COVID-19. Using the Stringency Index developed by Our World In Data, Miltimore shows us that Norway and Finland, neighbors of Sweden which…
Florida lifts all coronavirus restrictions
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida says that the state will remove all remaining coronavirus restrictions imposed on businesses. Through an executive order (EO) released last September 25, 2020, local governments are also prohibited from closing businesses or collecting fines related to pandemic mandates such as mask requirements. The EO however, allows local authoritities to limit…
Here is Saudi Ministry of Health’s protocol for COVID-19
The following is a document retrieved from Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health (MoH). It summarizes the protocol for patients who are suspected of, or are confirmed to have COVID-19. Some of the highlights of this document include the following: (1) patients presenting with COVID-like symptoms are not automatically treated as COVID patients. Infectious diseases experts…
Hydroxychloroquine: Uganda’s secret weapon against COVID-19
The following article was published by The Palmer Foundation last August 19, 2020. It explains how Uganda, one of the poorest countries in the world, and having one of the worst health care systems in Africa, has not experienced the expected surge of COVIDcases and COVID deaths. Editor’s Note: This article has become relevant again…
Belarus president reveals IMF/World Bank loans come with conditions for COVID-19 lockdowns
An article published by the Belarusian Telegraph Agency last June 19, 2020 reveals that the IMF/World Bank has attached quarantines, isolation, and curfews as a condition for the loans it offers countries. President Aleksandr Lukashenko, often referred to as the last tyrant in Europe, turned down the offer by saying, “We hear the demands, for…