Category: Human
Trouble In The Skies: Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition Issues Statement Regarding Pilot Vaccine Injury
The following is a statement released by the Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition (GAAC) last May 17, 2022. Here, health and aviation experts made the following demands: the end of mandatory COVID shots for all aviation workers the creation of a permissive environment for self-reporting of injuries among vaccinated employees thorough and objective medical screenings of…
Human Rights Is Back With Overturn Of Roe Vs. Wade
In this June 25, 2022 article, journalist Jordan Schachtel discusses the aftermath of the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Schachtel notes how the dictators during the COVID scamdemic have come out to support the “human right” to medical freedom and to condemn the state’s meddling with women’s bodies. He cites a…
Healthy People Are Dying Suddenly and Doctors Do Not Know Why
In this June 8, 2022 article for Daily Mail Australia, Tom Heaton introduces us to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), an umbrella term used to describe unexpected deaths in young people, mostly aged under 40 years. According to report, approximately 750 cases per year of people under 50 in Victoria suddenly have their hearts stop.…
The globalists are telling us what’s next: Food shortage in six months
In this May 2, 2022 article for Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden discusses the next phase in the crisis orchestrated by the globalists: food shortage. Durden opens his article with proof that the globalists have always been very “open” about their future plans. He says, “they like to tell us what they are about to do…
Deadly hepatitis among children linked to lockdown
In this April 25, 2022, article published by The Telegraph, Laura Donnelly and Sarah Newey report on a “worrying” surge of hepatitis cases among young children. [Read UK launches investigation on higher-than-usual hepatitis cases among children and CDC, WHO begins probe on mysterious liver disease among children]. UK health officials say that three-quarters of the…
CDC issues alert for rare liver damage in children
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now asking physicians in the US to be on the lookout for unusual cases of severe hepatitis in children. The guidance came as a growing number of hepatitis cases have been identified in the US, as well as several countries in Europe [read UK launches…
Childhood obesity significantly worse due to lockdowns
In this March 23, 2022 article for The Telegraph, Laura Donnelly reports on the recent statement of Professor Chris Whitty, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer. According to Whitty, there has been a “’significant’ worsening in childhood obesity, with the proportion of children starting school with a weight problem rising by a fifth since the pandemic”.…
US built biolabs in Ukraine to “dismantle weapons of mass destruction”
In this March 15, 2022 article for Daily Mail, Geoff Earle reports on the Biological Threat Reduction Program, a project launched by the Pentagon at the end of the Cold War to “secure and dismantle weapons of mass destruction”. According to the report, the research projects in the labs are now focused on studying birds…
Are COVID Vaccines Causing AIDS-Like Illness by Destroying Immune Function?
The following article was written by Dr. Joseph Mercola and was republished by the Children’s Health Defense last February 24, 2022. In this article, Mercola attempts to answer this question: Is the media’s new focus on AIDS an attempt to cover up the effects of COVID jabs? Mercola connects various new developments in recent weeks…
Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization
In this November 17, 2021 article for the Brownstone Institute, Christiaan W.J.M Alting Von Gesau looks at the basic tenets of the totalitarian movement as described by Hannah Arendt in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism By looking at what we know about totalitarianism as it has developed in history, Gesau hopes to offer some…