Category: Great Reset
Like animals: China Forces COVID Patients To Wear Electronic Tags
In this July 12, 2022 article for The Pulse, Arjun Walia reports on a new surveillance policy instituted by China for its COVID response. According to the report, citizens in China who test positive for COVID must wear electronic bracelets that their movement. Through these gadgets, the government can ensure that COVID-positive individuals remain in…
European Farmers Rise Up Against Government Tyranny
The following article was written by Thomas Lambert and was published by The Counter Signal, an independent media outlet covering the protests of farmers in the Netherlands [see Netherlands move to shut down farms to meet climate goals]. According to this report, farmers’ protests have now expanded to several countries in Europe, with German, Italian,…
Polio Is Back In The UK, WHO Recommends Gates-Funded Shot To Combat Spread
The following article was written by Sarah Knapton and was published by The Telegraph last June 22, 2022. Knapton reports that the UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) detected the polio virus in the sewage from North and East London in February. Concerns were raised by health experts when a mutated strain of the virus…
Netherlands move to shut down farms to meet climate goals
In this July 2, 2022 article, Peter Imanuelsen reports on the series of protests happening in the Netherlands. According to Imanuelsen, the protests came as a result of a new planned policy that will effectively shut down farms and cattle ranches in order for the country to comply with new EU rules on the reduction…
Democracy Ends In Ukraine: Primary Opposition Party Banned, Assets and Money Seized
The following article was written by Ian Miles Cheong and was published by Rebel News last June 21, 2022. In a Facebook post, Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice announced last June 20, 2022, the ban on the Opposition Platform-For Life (OPPL) and the mandate to transfer its assets, property, and money to the state. The ban…
Putin at Russian Davos: Unipolar World Order Has Ended
In this June 18, 2022 article for CNN, Ivana Kottasová, Sugam Pokharel, and Radina Gigova report on the speech given by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum last June 17, 2022. Here are some of Putin’s statements included in the article: “When they won the Cold War, the US declared themselves God’s own…
WEF’s 10 Most Chilling Vision Of The Future
In this June 15, 2022 article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, he summarizes the ten “creepy dictates” of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Here are those 10 dictates, in no particular order: Infiltrate governments through the Young Global Leaders program. Mind control through sound waves. Pills with microchips in them. Praise for lockdowns and restrictions on…
Norway wants to track citizens’ food purchases
In this June 3, 2022 article published in his Substack, Peter Imanuelsen, a Swedish journalist and political commentator, reports on the new announcements made by the State Statistics Central Bureau (SSB) in Norway. In a May 6, 2022 press release, the SSB announced its intention to collect payment transactions via the Nets Branch Norway, a…
Mainstream Media Silent on Private Elite Meetings in Washington
Several high-profile individuals coming from the government, multinational corporations, mainstream media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma met last June 2 to 5, 2022 to talk about issues that are relevant to our present society. This year’s Bilderberg Meeting will discuss 14 important topics including, geopolitical realignments, Sino-US tech competition, China, Russia, Ukraine, disruption of the…
Bill Gates’ New Book Bares Plan for Global Control
In this May 26, 2022 article for The Expose, Dr. Joseph Mercola offers a closer look at Bill Gates’ new book, How To Prevent The Next Pandemic. [We have published an initial coverage of this book, Bill Gates Proposes the Creation of a Global Pandemic Protection Team]. In his article, Mercola lays out the grim…