September 20, 2024

Like animals: China Forces COVID Patients To Wear Electronic Tags

Like animals: China Forces COVID Patients To Wear Electronic Tags

In this July 12, 2022 article for The Pulse, Arjun Walia reports on a new surveillance policy instituted by China for its COVID response.

According to the report, citizens in China who test positive for COVID must wear electronic bracelets that their movement. Through these gadgets, the government can ensure that COVID-positive individuals remain in isolation.

Aside from these bracelets, all citizens in China are part of an electronic health code system that tracks their movement through their mobile phones, and a QR code for entering public spaces.

Editor’s Note: We must remember that China was able to institute these policies because people were blinded by fear of the virus and fear of the government’s authority. Do we Filipinos believe that our government is incapable of instituting this inhumane policy?

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