September 27, 2024

AstraZeneca boss: Booster jabs for all “not a good use” of taxpayer money

AstraZeneca boss: Booster jabs for all “not a good use” of taxpayer money

In this August 27, 2022 article for The Telegraph, Hannah Boland reports on the latest statement from Pascal Soriot, chief executive officer of pharmaceutical and biotech company AstraZeneca.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Soriot said, “People who are otherwise healthy – especially if they are young, have been vaccinated, have had a boost already – boosting them again, I’m just not sure it’s really a good use of resources”.

Editor’s Note: While Soriot has essentially affirmed that the vaccines were unnecessary for healthy people, take note that both the author of the article and Soriot are clearly pro-COVID vaccines. Despite questioning the push to boost everyone in the UK, Soriot has avoided mentioning the many issues relating to his company’s vaccine [for example, the blood clotting issues, see AstraZeneca and Pfizer jabs associated with serious new side effects, EMA confirms: AstraZeneca vaccine linked to rare blood clots. Also read AstraZeneca CEO Said Immunocompromised Should Not Take the COVID Jabs].

It is also notable that Soriot did not mention anything about the negative effects of boosting [see Influential journal publishes warning on boosters, Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon: Stop Vaccine Boosters, Serious Risks Recorded, Sir Peter Vallance: Boosters every four months cannot continue].

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