July 18, 2024

Studies Link COVID Shots to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder

Studies Link COVID Shots to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder

In this June 7, 2022 article for The Defender, Megan Redshaw summarizes the results of several studies showing the connection between the COVID shots and a fatal prion disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). [Also read A Previously Healthy Woman Dies From Rare Brain Disorder After Second Pfizer Shot and Is Prion Disease Finally Showing Up as a Vaccine Adverse Event?].

In this article, Redshaw cites a French pre-print paper published in May which identified a new form of CJD that occurred within days of receiving a first or second dose of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. She also summarizes the results of a peer-reviewed study published in Turkey which found sudden CJD cases appearing after vaccination with the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca shots. The Turkish study suggested a strong link between CJD and COVID vaccination.

Redshaw also cited several cases of CJD in the US to give readers an idea of the symptoms of the disease.

Editor’s Note: Do you remember the case of Joyce Ann Corpuz? [If you don’t please read Psychiatric Disorder Following Pfizer COVID Jab, Not a Rare Case, VigiAccess Has Recorded Thousands of Cases].

Could her case be that of CJD? Unfortunately, we will never know, until she undergoes the tests she needs, which, unfortunately, might be unavailable here in the Philippines (or otherwise, her family might not be able to afford them).

We must remember that the evidence of harm from these COVID shots has been available from the very beginning [Also see Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases].

Now that the lies are unraveling, and we can only look on with sympathy for the families whose lives were disrupted by the experimental shots.

Unfortunately, the damages we are seeing now are only the tip of the iceberg [Read Experimental mRNA vaccines could cause long term chronic illnesses, Long-term dangers of experimental mRNA shots].

If you are not yet feeling side effects, we hope that you begin to detox [see World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox and Got Vaccinated and Regretting It? Ways to Cope (Part 1)].

But most importantly: Do not take any more shots and tell your family and friends to stop boosting. [Read Influential journal publishes warning on boosters and Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon: Stop Vaccine Boosters, Serious Risks Recorded].

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