February 9, 2025

SB 1979: Another Attempt at Institutionalizing The Great Reset In The Philippines

SB 1979: Another Attempt at Institutionalizing The Great Reset In The Philippines

Just last week, Senate Bill No. 1979 (SB 1979), known as the “Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy Act of 20231, was on its way to second reading. Today, at least five senators in the Philippines, have withdrawn their support for the bill citing concerns raised by constituents and stakeholders regarding its provisions.2 One of the contentious provisions of SB1979 is the mandatory inclusion of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in school curricula.

Senators JV Ejercito, Nancy Binay, Cynthia Villar, and Christopher “Bong” Go emphasized the need for further dialogue to address misconceptions and amend objectionable parts of the bill. Additionally, Senate President Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada also expressed his intent to disassociate from the legislation after evaluating feedback from various organizations opposing it. Meanwhile Senator Ramon Revilla, Jr. and Senator Imee Marcos, listed as authors of SB1979, indicated that their original proposals differ significantly from the current version.

Senator Risa Hontiveros, one of the bill’s authors, says that she is “shocked and annoyed” at the “outright lies, misinformation, disinformation” in relation to SB 1979.3 Her remarks came after the National Coalition for the Family and the Constitution’s Project Dalisay submitted an online petition seeking to junk the bill. According to Project Dalisay, the bill “subtly introduces policies that could undermine the innocence of our youth and disrupt the traditional family structure”.4

In the 9-minute briefing video produced by Project Dalisay, the following issues with the bill were raised:

  • When the bill is passed, all schools, regardless of religious or cultural beliefs, are required to integrate Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) into their curriculum.
  • The bill aligns the Philippines’ CSE to international standards
  • Children who have engaged or are actively engaged in sexual behaviors do not need parental consent to access reproductive health services.
  • Young children will be taught how to “take pleasure in their bodies” (i.e. to masturbate).
  • The bill also assumes that young children will have the capacity to consent to sex.

Sen. Hontiveros insists that “Absolutely none of those concepts exist in our bill…the controversial Comprehensive Sexual Education is not derived from Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”.

If one only reads SB 1979, one might be tempted to believe that Sen. Hontiveros is right. However, if one gets to page 21 of the bill, one will discover that the Department of Education (DepEd) is mandated to develop, implement, and deliver CSE standards. This is how we can unravel the problem with SB 1979.

In its definition for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), DepEd Order No. 31, Series of 20185 directly references the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education,6 a newer version of the Standards for Sexuality in Europe. It’s true, DepEd has been trying to institutionalize Sex Education in schools since 2018, but it has not been mandatory.7 SB 1979 will change that, because CSE will become a part of the Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education (PASBE). This means, schools who do not implement a CSE curriculum might not receive a permit to operate. They say now that the Philippines does not need to conform to the CSE Guidelines put out by international agencies and that the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) will be “culturally adapted”, but really, what is the need for a law like SB 1979 when DepEd Order 31 is already in place?

If the intention was to prevent teenage pregnancy, and give support to adolescent parents, then why include the contentious CSE in the provisions?

Clearly, SB 1979 was meant to align the Philippines’ CSE curriculum to “international standards”, and to ensure that these “international standards” are widely accepted in our country by means of our own educational system. By not directly referencing the UNESCO document, SB 1979 attempts to conceal what these “international standards” are, perhaps to placate possible opposition.8

Another Attempt at Subverting the Philippine Government: SB 1979 is SB 1869

For those who remember, two years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) hoped to gain the power to govern the physical and mental health of the planet by passing the Pandemic Treaty and amending the International Health Regulations.

Riding on the COVID hysteria, SB 1869, also known as the Philippine Center for Disease Prevention and Control Act, breezed through the House and Senate, almost becoming a law in a matter of months!9

In our first briefing paper about SB 1869, we illustrated to the public the dangers of that bill, urging our legislators to junk the bill because it will “destroy the country’s democracy and help usher in a medical dictatorship under the control of the World Health Organization (WHO)”.10

With the international failure of the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR Amendments11 and the massive protests in the Philippines, hearings for SB 1869 were suspended,12 making it technically dead in the water. Any politician who attempts to revive it will be committing political suicide.

Despite our early success, we knew that the WHO and its cohorts will not stop until they achieve their goal of world domination.13 Their global agenda is called The Great Reset, and perhaps you have heard of it. It is a comprehensive takedown of humanity and the institutions we hold dear.

One aspect of this Great Reset is a war on our culture, involving particularly our children. In our second briefing paper14 released last May 8, 2023, CCH called attention to the global plan to normalize pedophilia15 through the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe,16 a document released by the WHO in 2010, which served as the basis for the much newer CSE framework from UNESCO. If you read the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education17 and found it abhorrent, then you will find the WHO document much worse. We cannot discuss in this article the interconnections between CSE and the Great Reset because it is so convoluted, but we encourage you to read previous articles on this to gain a better understanding about this war on humanity, and why the CSE is dangerous.18

SB 1979 is SB 1869 in another form. It is an attempt to institutionalize the view that humans are sexual beings who will need to be programmed early in life to become good “sexual citizens”. Project Dalisay was right in saying that this bill is an attack on the family institution and will destroy the innocence of our children.

But it is so much more than that. If we are not careful, it could lead to a cultural war where our children mistakenly associate their identity with their sexual preferences.

The Threat Of A Cultural War Is Now Upon Us

Once a friend told us, “the woke transgender agenda and the bastardization of the LGBT movement will not reach the Philippines, we are too conservative for that”. But it is here, and we are barely beginning to scratch the surface of this issue.

Conservatism is not the problem here. We need to be clear: We acknowledge that people must be respected for who they are, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. We also believe that teenage pregnancy is a problem, and that adolescent parents need better support from the government. What we do not agree with is the hypersexualizing of young children and introducing to them concepts they are too young to understand. We are against the taking away from parents the right to decide when their children should be exposed to these topics, as well as condoning sexually-active children to hide their activities from their families.

Sure, children need to know how they can care for and be at home in their bodies. But there is a fine line between sexual education and grooming, and it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that that fine line is not crossed by individuals who surround their children.18

Instead of protecting children, SB 1979 puts the burden of understanding sex and sexuality on young children at a time when they are constantly transitioning and they are not even in a stage where they are consciously discovering who they are as individuals. Why is SB 1979 making it mandatory to teach sexual concepts and behaviors to children, but it is not mandatory for parents to learn these same concepts and behaviors so that they can better support their children? Why is the law giving “strangers” the privilege of teaching children about relationships, love, and intimacy?

Clearly, the problem of teenage pregnancy is much deeper than young people having sex. It cannot be solved by simply knowing the biology involved in sexual acts. To resolve this issue requires a holistic view. Perhaps a look back on the dismal state of the family and educational institution is necessary at this point.

  1. Read the text of the bill here: https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/4108437457!.pdf ↩︎
  2. Did these legislators actually read the bill they signed? See their withdrawals here: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/2026841/bong-revilla-imee-marcos-clarify-stance-on-anti-teen-pregnancy-bill, https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/2027132/4-senators-withdraw-support-for-anti-teen-pregnancy-bill ↩︎
  3. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/2024886/fwd-senri-project-dalisay-re-sbn-1979 ↩︎
  4. https://projectdalisay.com/ ↩︎
  5. https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DO_s2018_031-1.pdf ↩︎
  6. https://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/ITGSE.pdf ↩︎
  7. In the DepEd order,”integration” of reproductive health lessons across the curriculum relied on the teacher. Read https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/04/24/2261275/proposed-deped-curriculum-teaches-sexual-and-reproductive-rights-starting-grade-4 ↩︎
  8. Needless to say, those who are actively opposing SB 1979 today are being subjected to the same character assassination of the COVID era. See this coverage as an example: https://www.bworldonline.com/the-nation/2025/01/21/648013/sex-education-curriculum-under-senate-scrutiny-amid-conservative-pushback/ ↩︎
  9. https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/4074337128!.pdf ↩︎
  10. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/02/22/briefing-paper-on-sb1869-why-sb1869-approval-needs-to-be-stopped-now-and-the-bill-radically-revised/. Also read the other found briefing papers here: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/05/08/cch-releases-2nd-briefing-paper-warning-senate-not-to-surrender-philippine-sovereignty-to-sex-maniacs-and-pedophiles-at-the-who-un/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/07/26/enacting-sb-1869-into-law-coud-lead-to-treason-cch-warns-senate-as-it-releases-its-3rd-briefing-paper-on-sb-1869/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/12/11/cch-briefing-paper-on-sb1869-no-4-sb1869-will-kill-harm-thousands-of-filipinos-the-covid-vaccines-have-already-killed-13-million-people-worldwide/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/05/05/cch-briefing-paper-on-sb1869-no-5/ ↩︎
  11. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/05/28/who-pandemic-treaty-fails-but-director-general-is-not-giving-upc/ ↩︎
  12. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/05/31/over-300-protestors-help-delay-approval-of-sb-1869-passage-of-bill-highly-unlikely-as-senate-deliberations-enters-last-day-on-may-31-2023/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/06/02/the-round-one-victory-over-sb-1869-is-real/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/07/07/the-battle-to-stop-sb-1869-round-two/ ↩︎
  13. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/19/the-great-reset-is-corporate-takeover-of-global-governance/. ↩︎
  14. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/05/08/cch-releases-2nd-briefing-paper-warning-senate-not-to-surrender-philippine-sovereignty-to-sex-maniacs-and-pedophiles-at-the-who-un/ ↩︎
  15. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/05/16/how-the-who-and-un-plans-to-normalize-pedophilia/ ↩︎
  16. https://www.bzga-whocc.de/fileadmin/user_upload/BZgA_Standards_English.pdf ↩︎
  17. https://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/ITGSE.pdf ↩︎
  18. To better understand the Great Reset read https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/09/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-1/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/17/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-2-how-the-different-attacks-reinforce-each-other/, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/02/18/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-3-human-extinction/ ↩︎
  19. To understand what grooming is, read https://rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs. We encourage you to look at the signs of grooming and see how SB 1979 can be an easy pass for those who have evil intentions against our children. ↩︎

3 thoughts on “SB 1979: Another Attempt at Institutionalizing The Great Reset In The Philippines

  1. The mass media, through their romance movies and related afternoon shows has been conditioning teenagers to a sexual mindset for decades. The worst happened when teens have access to smartphones that can display sexually explicit images and sexually stimulating music beat. Now our laws are trying to legalize these moral corruptions through our schools. There is a need to reeducate the teens back to traditional values. The problem with these proposed legislation and its real authors (mentors to senators/congressmen) is they hide the corrupt provisions in the proposed bills. Its like they are putting a needle inside the sandwich they are offering to pass on to the public.

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