September 1, 2024

Washington DC family loses custody of their autistic 16-year-old son after refusing to allow his transition to female

Washington DC family loses custody of their autistic 16-year-old son after refusing to allow his transition to female

A military family is suing Children’s National Hospital after losing custody of their autistic son, who was placed in foster care following the hospital’s recommendation to transition his gender. The parents claim the hospital coerced their son into believing he was female despite never showing such inclinations before, and they accuse the hospital of manipulating him due to his autism. The family seeks $100 million in damages. The hospital denies wrongdoing, while the family argues their parental rights were unjustly violated.

Editor’s Note: Parents have a fundamental right to protect and guide their children until they reach legal age, especially when the child is vulnerable due to conditions like autism. The hospital’s actions reflect a troubling overreach. This situation becomes even more disturbing, considering the child has been separated from his family for years, leaving him without the support and love he needs during such a crucial time. The case underscores the need to respect and uphold parental rights, ensuring that decisions of such magnitude are made with the family’s involvement rather than imposed by external institutions or the culture. [See also: Expert Opinion: Youth Gender Transition Pushed Without Evidence, Top Finnish Gender Expert Demolishes Myths About Gender Transition, How Transgenderism Can Lead To Transhumanism]

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