September 1, 2024
Dr Robert Malone: Monkeypox As Weapon of Psychological Warfare

Dr. Robert Malone, a vaccine scientist, warns that the push to frame monkeypox as the next pandemic is part of a larger agenda to control the public through fear, likening it to psychological warfare. He argues that infectious diseases are being weaponized to enforce unpopular policies and erode freedoms. Malone’s comments align with former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who claims COVID-19 was a bioweapon used to influence the 2020 U.S. election.

Editor’s Note: Fear has become a powerful tool to control the masses, but the price we pay is steep. The price is the psychological and physical toll of living in constant anxiety. It’s crucial to approach public health crises with measured responses based on facts, not fear, to prevent a repeat of the mistakes made during the COVID-19 pandemic. We must be vigilant in recognizing when fear is being weaponized. It’s so easy for them to use the guise of safety to make us surrender our freedoms. [See also: Fauci Repeats Playbook, Begins Monkeypox Fear-Mongering, Fear vs. Fact: Sensationalism and Accountability of the World Health Organization, Expert Fearmonger: BIRD Flu Being Postured To Become the Next Scamdemic]

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