July 27, 2024

Proof That Israel Covered Up Safety Concerns With COVID Vaccines

Proof That Israel Covered Up Safety Concerns With COVID Vaccines

Steve Kirsch calls this September 2, 2022 article “the most important article” he has written to date. Here, Kirsch presents information coming from Israel showing that the country’s authorities have knowingly rolled out a problematic vaccine.

He asserts, “Based upon the government corruption, the safety data, and the correlation of the vaccine and deaths, the precautionary principle of medicine demands an immediate halt to the COVID vaccination program.

Some of the important points raised by Kirsch include:

  • The Israel Ministry of Health (MoH) took 18 months before they looked at the COVID vaccine safety data to see what it said.
  • They only started collecting safety data in December 2021 [Read Israeli data shows vaccine side effects not rare at all].
  • Someone was secretly recording the meetings between the MoH and the research team they commissioned to cover up the fact that the government has not done its due diligence.

Editor’s Note: This is a lengthy article, but a very important one. We recommend that you set aside some time to review the facts presented herein so that you can communicate this to family members who are still vaccine-brainwashed.

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2 thoughts on “Proof That Israel Covered Up Safety Concerns With COVID Vaccines

  1. Seems that the whole world is dominated by the HMM according to Benjamin Fulford on T.ME … They not only domimate the pharma for profits but almost every nation on the planet
    Something is really wrong on this world and they want to control and eliminate humanity

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