Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon: Stop Vaccine Boosters, Serious Risks Recorded

This article published on June 7, 2022, by Daily Sceptic summarizes a comment piece written by Dr. Kenji Yamamoto in the Virology Journal. Dr. Yamamoto is a surgeon at the Okamura Memorial Hospital’s Department of Cardiovascular Surgery. Dr. Yamamoto declares, “As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued”.
In his article, Yamamoto says that mainstream media is censoring COVID vaccine injuries, including deaths. Yamamoto cites vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS), cardiovascular diseases, and reactivations of viruses that cause shingles, among others, as some of the issues reported among vaccinated individuals.
Yamamoto’s article may be accessed here.
Editor’s Note: How many more doctors need to speak up before governments stop their unlimited booster program?
Yamamoto is not the only health expert to call for the end of booster shots.
Monica Gandhi, director of the University of California, San Francisco Gladstone Center for AIDS and medical director of the San Francisco General Hospital, wrote in March 2022: “a fourth dose in younger, healthy groups (<65 years) has minimal effect in both boosted effectiveness against infection or reducing viral loads. The FDA’s recent authorization of the fourth shot for those over 50 (citing “significant medical comorbidities” in those 50-65) is not in line with our available data nor other countries’ policies”.[efn_note]https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/97948[/efn_note]
Dr. Paul Offit, co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine and a well-known pediatrician specializing in infectious disease, through an article published by the New England Journal of Medicine, repeated the same points raised by Gandhi. He said, “…boosters are not risk-free, we need to clarify which groups most benefit. For example, boys and men between 16 and 29 years of age are at increased risk for myocarditis caused by mRNA vaccines. And all age groups are at risk for the theoretical problem of an ‘original antigenic sin’ — a decreased ability to respond to a new immunogen because the immune system has locked onto the original immunogen. [See Influential journal publishes warning on boosters].
Meanwhile, an April 8, 2022 article for the Insider reported that advisors for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have called for the end of never-ending booster shots. According to Dr. Peter Marks, who directs the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, the FDA arm in charge of regulating all vaccines, boosting every few months with the original vaccine recipe is not sustainable.[efn_note]https://www.businessinsider.com/fda-us-strategy-for-covid-boosters-new-vaccines-2022-4?international=true&r=US&IR=T[/efn_note]
Now the question is: why are countries still rolling out boosters? Has there been new data showing that the boosters are effective? Answering this question is particularly important for the Philippines where our Department of Health is pushing for redefining the term “fully vaccinated” to include the first boosters, and several Local Government Units are pushing for the second booster among the elderly. [See Should the government place expiration dates on vaccination cards? Also read Is it Safe to Take COVID Booster Shots Annually? and COVID Vaccines Aren’t Working — And No Amount of Boosting Will Change That].
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