In this May 24, 2022 article for WND, Art Moore reports that 12 of the 13 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) have been withdrawn following widespread opposition.
If passed, the amendments, submitted by the US for a vote at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, would have allowed the World Health Organization (WHO) to impinge on a country’s sovereignty [read more about this here: Sign the Petition: Refuse and Reject the WHO Powergrab That Would Lead to Global Medical Martial Law].
The one remaining amendment reduces the period of time in which a nation can withdraw its vote on an amendment to the International Health Regulations from 18 months to 6 months.
Independent researcher James Roguski said that “the withdrawal appears to be a result of the ‘massive response from people all over the world in opposition to the amendments’”.
The report adds that the amendments can be resubmitted in the future.
Editor’s Note: We may have dodged a bullet for now, but this is no time to rest. Remember: the amendments to the IHR can be resubmitted and the vote on the Global Pandemic Treaty is coming next.
Moreover, the remaining amendment may look harmless on its own. Still, if this is approved, it would significantly impair our capacity to lobby our governments to withdraw future approvals it may give. Based on what we know about our current procedures in the Philippines, six months is not enough to get our Senate to look into the implications of these amendments to our Constitution and our country’s sovereignty.
Also, we must take note that the puppetmasters at the WHO is playing the “long” game. They can afford to wait years until the issue has subsided. That will be the time they move. [They are already moving the pieces so that by the time they are ready to recapture societies through the WHO, there will be no opposition, consider the following: UK, California move to restrict what doctors can say online].
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