February 16, 2025

IATF backs return to face-to-face classes, rejects mandatory vaccination

IATF backs return to face-to-face classes, rejects mandatory vaccination

In this May 13, 2022 article for the Manila Bulletin, Argyll Cyrus Geducos reports that the Inter-agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases has expressed strong support for the return of face-to-face classes for all public and private schools for basic education.

In a press briefing, Communications Secretary Martin Andanar says that the IATF also reiterates that COVID vaccination cannot be a requirement for students to join in-person classes.

Editor’s Note: We post this article on this website so that parents can become aware that their children must not be forced to take the vaccine.

We also wish to stress that while Sec. Andanar was mainly referring to the conduct of face-to-face for basic education, the fact that the COVID vaccination cannot be a requirement to join classes FOR ALL SCHOOL LEVELS is explicitly stated by RA 11525.

If your child’s school is making vaccination mandatory, please know that you can push back against this. Read CCH Legal Team Launched. Makes Public Its Vaccination Refusal Letter Template and watch KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: A Legal Explanation by Atty. Aaron Soguilon to know more.

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2 thoughts on “IATF backs return to face-to-face classes, rejects mandatory vaccination

  1. For students no mandatory vaccine . How about the teachers? Last May 27 the private school principals had a meeting with DepEd Region Team in Pampanga. They said for the teachers vaccine is mandatory to conduct Face to Face class.. How can we conduct F2F most of our teachers are unvaccinated.

    1. Hello Crisytina,

      Yes, schools will say that the vaccines are mandatory and they will hope that you won’t fight back. But there is a law that protects you: RA 11252. Unfortunately, if people do not assert their right to medical freedom as guaranteed by this law, then governments and educational institutions will continue to overstep their boundaries.

      We have prepared resources you can use to pushback. Several people have already used these resources and were successful. Most of those who filed a formal rejection of the vaccines to their employers are still unvaccinated to this day. They filed their refusal when cases were still “high”. We find no reason for institutions to impose a vaccine mandate when there is no longer a COVID emergency.

      Here are the resources you need:

      Watch: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/aiovg_videos/know-your-rights-a-legal-explanation-by-atty-aaron-soguilon/
      Read and file: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/11/29/cch-legal-team-launched-makes-public-its-vaccination-refusal-letter-template/
      If first refusal letter fails, get ready to file a case: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/10/08/ready-to-pushback-here-are-some-documents-you-can-use-to-protect-yourself-from-vaccine-coercion/

      Hope this helps you!

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