DOH Warns Surge of COVID Infection Up To 35,000 on May 9 Election Day

DOH Warns Surge of COVID Infection Up To 35,000 on May 9 Election Day

In an April 18, 2022 article published in the Press Reader, Manolo B Jara reported that the Department of Health (DOH) warned about the surge of coronavirus infections totaling 35,000 on May 9 election day.

According to the article, this fresh surge will mainly be because of the unabated decline, particularly in the compliance to the maximum health standards (MPHS), referring to basic health protocols such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and the ban on the social gathering.

DOH said the warning was based on projections of experts in epidemiologic modeling. In Metro Manila, estimates were at a 50% decrease in MPHS compliance could lead to around 25,000 to 60,000 new infections per day and it could soar to 500,000 by mid-May. DOH pointed out, “If Filipinos are to strictly observe MPHS in addition to being fully vaccinated and up-to-date with boosters and assuming no new variant of concern comes in, analysts observed that the number of active cases nationwide could decrease and then plateau from 26,256 as of April 12 to just around 1,293 to 16,934 in mid-May.”

Editor’s Note: If this is not fear appeal, what do you call this? Political caravan campaigns have started as early as November, why didn’t they point this out?

Omicron came in December from a vaccinated traveler and had been the dominant variant since then. Did we have transmissions from those earlier caravan rallies?123.    

Presently, there are thousands of rally attendees, almost cheek-to-cheek; what happened to the transmissible SARS-CoV-2? Are the infection on cessation these past few months? Why are all these covid proponents dialing the fear of covid surge on May 9? Is the moratorium for variants lifted from May 9 onwards? If you do not find this absurd, then you are heavily brainwashed! [See Health Expert Warns There Maybe a New COVID Surge After May 9 Election; WHO Warns of New COVID Surge in Two Months, Urges PH Authorities for a House-to-house Vaccination; WHO: Don’t focus on COVID cases].

Can you see the pattern? They employ repetition; it’s manipulation 101. This surely prepares you to be acquiescent once they announce the fresh covid statistics on May 9.

And may we remind you, once the numbers go up, restrictions will follow. We know these orchestrators will happily reimplement all their Level 3 resolutions.

No! They don’t care about your health, they just want you to take the jab because 27 million are near expiry [see Government Ramps Up Vaccination and Booster Shot Campaign Due to 27 Million Near-Expiry COVID Doses]. They can’t afford to face liabilities once this happens [see Some Senators Reject Duque’s Hopes of Making COVID Jab Mandatory].

Resist! Assert your right; we have enough of these repeated movies with lousy performers.

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