July 27, 2024

Scientists want to create a “contagious” vaccine

Scientists want to create a “contagious” vaccine

The following article was written by Jess Craig and was published by National Geographic last March 18, 2022. It reports on the latest efforts to create “self-spreading vaccines” for diseases like Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, Lassa fever, and othe zoonotic diseases.

Advocates for the technology says that “they could revolutionize public health by disrupting infectious disease spread among animals before a zoonotic spillover could occur—potentially preventing the next pandemic”.

But other scientists argue that the vaccines themselves could set off a chain of reactions with devastating effects. Jonas Sandbrink, a biosecurity researcher at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford had this to say, “Once you set something engineered and self-transmissible out into nature, you don’t know what happens to it and where it will go. Even if you just start by setting it out into animal populations, part of the genetic elements might find their way back into humans” [Just think about how gain-of-function researches have brought us COVID, read New Evidence Showing SARS-CoV-2 Created in Law: Genetic Match in COVID and Gene Sequence Patented by Moderna, Top Secret Documents Reveal Overwhelming Evidence of Lab-Origin of COVID-19, Dangers of Vaccines, and Suppressed Potential Treatments].

Editor’s Note: What’s wrong with a self-spreading vaccine? Well, for one, experiments involving self-spreading vaccines have only been done once, and it has never been repeated. Second, what would clinical trials involving these vaccines look like? Will it also involve microchipping humans and treating them like animals?

Third, will these self-spreading vaccines mean that humans will become genetically modified organisms?

Fourth, a self-spreading vaccine means that we will no longer have control over what enters our bodies. Whereas today, governments have had to curtail our freedoms to force people into taking the COVID shots, with the self-spreading vaccine, all these “unnatural” policies are no longer necessary. It also means that they can release any type of “vaccine” to humanity, and no one would even have the chance to reject it.

While the article claims that there is a long road ahead before this technology becomes mainstream, it is clear that they are now setting the stage for its widespread acceptance. In fact, we won’t be surprised if indeed, the technology to make this real is already here. And based on what we know about the ultimate goal of the globalists at the World Economic Forum, we must be wary of anything that tries to modify our God-given bodies [see Episode 31: Transhumanism 101. Know It. Your Life Depends on It. Part 1].

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