Sen. Rand Paul files amendment to prevent rise of another pandemic “dictator in chief”

The following opinion article was written by Sen. Rand Paul and was published by Fox News last March 14, 2022.

Sen. Paul explains his thought process for introducing an amendment that seeks to reorganize the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The amendment would eliminate Dr. Anthony Fauci’s position and would divide the power he holds into three separate institutes. The three positions would also hold limit terms which he hopes would “create accountability and oversight”.

Paul slams the various policies advocated by Fauci: lockdowns, school closures, masking, and the disregard for natural immunity. Paul says, “The biggest lesson we have learned over the last two years is that no one person should have this much-unchecked power. And my amendment, which will get a vote this week, will finally force accountability and fire Dr. Fauci.”

Editor’s Note: Sen. Paul has been in various crossfires with Dr. Fauci so many people are already expecting that he would do something like this soon [see Sen. Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci lied to the Congress, Rand Paul: Those immune to coronavirus should throw mask away]. And while at this point we cannot yet determine whether his amendment will truly end the “monopoly of science” by individuals within the NIAID who have conflicting interests, it is nevertheless a welcome initiative that will hopefully, open the conversation regarding the abuses done by the US government against its people.

If Sen. Paul’s amendment succeeds, it could pave the way for the end of COVID tyranny in the Philippines, especially as our own health experts are simply following what is happening in the US and other countries.

We also want to highlight Sen. Paul’s assertion. No single person should be granted absolute power over science and public health policy. It is important that a system of check and balance is created so that abuses such as what we have experienced in the past two years would not be repeated again.

Emergency powers granted to our own President here in the Philippines must be contextualized, and a real pandemic policy that upholds human rights and prioritizes the wellbeing of citizens must also be created so that the lessons and sufferings of the past two years would not be forgotten.

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