CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen Says School Closures Harmful, Two Years After Leading Campaign to Close Schools

In a tweet last February 24, 2022, Dr. Leana Wen cited a new study showing that “covid school closures affected cognitive and motor development in preschoolers. Learning loss is most pronounced in kids most at risk.” She also said, “We must focus on keeping kids in school and on closing educational disparities”.
What Wen failed to say is that in 2020, she was one of the first public health “experts” to keep schools closed:

Wen was also campaigning for restrictions on the mobility of the unvaccinated.

Needless to say, Wen’s u-turn on school closures was not met with cordiality.

Editor’s Note: While we welcome this push to keep schools open. But we just want to remind people that science has not changed. The science showing that it is safe to reopen has been available since 2020.
Many health experts were already saying in 2020 that school closures could negatively impact our children [Read German experts: Schools and day care centers should be reopened, Children’s Commission: Children should be back in school, American Academy of Pediatrics release recommendations for school re-opening, Philippine doctors weigh in on the educational situation of children and adolescents, Expert panel recommends reopening of schools for young children and children with special needs. More articles at School and Children].
Many have called for the reopening of schools, which was ignored by mainstream health “experts” like Wen. Now that MORE science is showing the damage they have caused, can we expect governments to penalize scientists who gave them wrong recommendations? Or will this be another thing that will be swept under the rug?
As many of the scientists who have promoted damaging COVID policies are now recanting their positions despite launching an all-out smear campaign against decades of scientific evidence, we must now ask: Why? Why now?