UK Vaccine Taskforce Chair: Booster Strategy Makes Little Sense

In this December 14, 2021 article for The Telegraph, Dr. Clive Dix, former UK Vaccine Taskforce Chief admits that the vaccines were never designed to end transmissions and that the main intention was to “stop people from getting severely ill or dying”.
He goes on to say that there has been a lot of misleading talk about vaccine resistance and how the booster program, as it is being rolled out in the UK today, makes little sense.
He says that the booster campaign is important in protecting the elderly, the immuno-compromised, and those who are struggling to maintain a decent immune response.
Young people queuing up in vaccination centers, hogging the line that should have been reserved for the immunocompromised makes no sense unless the strategy is to eliminate the transmission of the disease. He says, “that…at the moment at least, is an impossible dream”.
He goes on to say that boosting the young and healthy do not add value to public health. Instead, he says, it is better for the government to “focus on the most vulnerable and cracking down on the backlog of chronically sick patients, such as those with hypertension, diabetes, or even cancer…A virtually indiscriminate booster campaign is underway…I fear that we be inadvertently causing a lot of human suffering”.
Editor’s Note: This article is important because it was written by one of the key individuals who helped launch the mass COVID vaccination campaign in the UK. He cannot be accused as an anti-vaxx, and his insights are very relevant as countries have already begun rolling out booster shots for adults, and talk of booster shots for young children are already underway.efn_note][/efn_note]
Incidentally, Dr. Dix’s thoughts are corroborated by top virologists and scientists who are also saying that there is no need for boosters [see Top FDA virologists, WHO scientists: No credible evidence for COVID booster shots, Stop Booster Jabs, WHO Urges Wealthy Nations, CDC advisors raise concerns about ‘over-vaccination’ and ask the White House for more data to show boosters are needed, FDA advisory committee votes against booster shots, vaccine risks outweigh benefits especially for children].
Who then, is dictating the need for booster shots, if governments are ignoring their expert consultants?
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