Australian police officer: Government is using police as tool to maintain authoritarian public health policies


In this October 12, 2021 article, Life Site News reports on a bombshell interview given by Acting Police Sergeant Krystie Mitchell who recently resigned after 16 years of service with the Victoria Police.

In her interview, Mitchell says Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has grown his influence over law enforcement, and is now using them as a “tool to maintain authoritarian public health orders”. By speaking out, Mitchell says, there is no other consequence for her but dismissal. She adds, “I’m choosing to quit because I can’t remedy in my soul anymore the way in which my organisation — which I loved to work for — is being used, and the damage that it’s causing to the reputation of Victoria Police and the damage that it’s causing to the community”.

Mitchell confirms a number of strategies that are being used against Australian citizens, including police brutality, firing of rubber bullet indiscriminately at unarmed protesters, and arrest of political dissidents, among others. She adds. “All of my friends that are police officers working the frontline and are suffering every day enforcing CHO [Chief Health Officer] directions that the vast majority, certainly a great majority, don’t believe in and don’t want to enforce”.

Editor’s Note: When people listen to their inner truths, they will know that violation of human rights, harming others in the guise of a health crisis is wrong. The police force, especially those who understand their constitutional mandate know that their accountability is to citizens [see Toronto police question unconstitutional public health measures, Australian police commissioner contradicts health minister, won’t enforce vax passports]. Anyone who still bothers to look at the evidence will see that Australia has become a nightmare straight out of the books.

This article has been posted on this website for two reasons. First, it is a word of caution to people who think that politicians know what they are doing. Like normal people, politicians are susceptible, too, to fear programming. Many politicians, some of whom are truly honest people, believe that COVID is a real health emergency and that they are acting only based on what the national government and its health agencies tell them. To these people we say: please look at the evidence. There is no reason to cut off citizen’s rights to achieve good health [we encourage you to read: Nicanor Perlas Asks the Duterte Government to Cease and Desist Extreme and Unscientific Covid Policies That Are Killing and Harming Filipinos and Destroying the Country].

Second, this article is a reminder to us all that we are victims of one of the greatest attempt at manipulation and gaslighting. If we continue to argue and disrespect each other because we are on different sides of the COVID fence, then “they” are winning. When the police forget that protesters are human too, and that they are sincerely protecting the things that they value, they become agents of authorization. In the same way, if citizens rail against police officers and we call them all sorts of bad names, we only fuel the fire of hate and anger. No one wins.

If this COVID scamdemic is a war against the human being, then we must fight, not with arms or hateful words, but with a sincere striving to bring out our humanity and make it shine bright. To repeat Gareth Icke’s words: “hate and division is what’s put us in this mess, and love and unity is what’s going to get us out of it” [see Gareth Icke urges protesters at Trafalgar Square to reclaim their rights and humanity].

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