Philippines’ Duterte floats idea of forced vaccination


In this September 27, 2021 article for Manila Bulletin, Argyll Cyrus Geducos reports on the recent statement released by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

In a taped address, Duterte said: ‘Wag mo sabihin na ang relihiyon mo o ayaw ng aming paniwala, ‘I just don’t believe it’, Well, I’m sorry. Yung ganoon (Don’t say that it is against your religion or your faith or you just don’t believe it. I’m sorry. Those remarks), it is completely irrelevant to us in government.”. He adds, “Mabuti’t magkaintindihan tayo niyan (It’s good that we sort that out). Because if everybody does not comply with the vaccines and we can have a widespread wildfire spread, then the police must go in and intervene in your private life so that you cannot be a danger to society”.

After his strong words, Duterte backtracks. He said, “Hindi naman ito takutan (We are not threatening you). Government does not instill fear. Government can appeal…Government can talk, and government can pray and hope that you will listen.”

Editor’s Note: Duterte says that people like us who do not want to be vaccinated should just keep our opinions to ourselves. This is where he made a grave error.

Our decision to not take the COVID vaccine is not based on opinion. It is based on science showing us that vaccines are useless [see Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant, New data shows vaccines useless against COVID in the long-term, Israel, once the model for beating COVID, now has one of the highest infections in the world, Iceland epidemiologist says herd immunity cannot be achieved by vaccines, Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines].

Our decision to speak up is based on our conscience. We know these vaccines are dangerous, how can we just keep quiet and watch other people die because of our silence? [See Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide, Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions].

Marketers say that word-of-mouth is still the best way to sell a product. If so many people are satisfied with the vaccines, why are there more and more people who are becoming vaccine hesitant? [In an earlier article, we have discovered that about half of those who took their first vaccine did not show up for their second dose, read IATF: 50% of vaccine recipients have not returned for their second dose].

Duterte is also lying. He says “we are not threatening you”, but this is exactly what he is doing, when he said that the “police must go in and intervene in your private life so that you cannot be a danger to society”. Is he saying that the police now has the mandate to do what it wants, disregarding science and all the laws of this country, just because he orders them to do something? He must be crazy to think that he can lord over this country of heroes.

What he is doing is preparing people for more stringent measures bordering on authoritarianism, such as those found in Australia [read Australian military troops sent to Sydney to help enforce new coronavirus lockdown]. He is trying to see how many people will react to his pronouncements, in order to determine the pulse of the people. If people support his statements, we can expect that he will begin to act on this.

At the moment, mandatory vaccinations in the Philippines are being done covertly [see Mandatory vaccination, now in the Philippines]. Is it so impossible to think that it will be done overtly later on?

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