January 26, 2025

Public school in Washington forces athletes to wear ankle monitors as a condition for participating in team sports

Public school in Washington forces athletes to wear ankle monitors as a condition for participating in team sports

In this August 24, 2021 article for The Post Millenial, Ari Hoffman reports on a policy implemented by Eatonville High School in Washington state.

According to a parent of the school, athletes are being forced to put on ankle monitors which are designed to “provide a visual and audible alarm, so individuals know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance” and for “passive collection of worker interactions for contact tracing should an individual test positive”.

All athletes, regardless of vaccination status are required to wear ankle monitors but unvaccinated students will be required to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days in case one member of the team tests positive for COVID. Meanwhile, vaccinated students are not required to quarantine even if they come into close contact with the positive individual.

Editor’s Note: How many more of these illogical policies are we going to tolerate? Have we forgotten how the Holocaust began with the “othering” of individuals and legitimization of inhumane policies? Do we truly want our children to grow up in a society where their individual rights are consistently being violated?

For over a year now, our governments have been violating the rights of our children [see Children learned next to nothing during distance schooling, UNICEF: Prohibiting minors from going outside is an infringement of children’s rights, Large UK study finds lockdowns unnecessary for children]. When will we, parents push back?

If we do not speak up against these seemingly harmless policies today, then we run the risk of making them a norm. Do we truly want segregation to become normal?

This is an insult to human dignity. We should not allow ourselves to be treated like dogs. The state has the illusion that it owns us, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

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