CCH FOI Bombshell: DOH Admits No Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Isolated. Yet Government Locked Down Nation Due to Virus No Country Has Yet Proven to Exist.


31 August 2021

For more info, contact: Nicanor Perlas  

0926-654-2078 or 0970-152-6392



Covid Call to Humanity (CCH): “There is No Epidemic. No Health Emergency. No Covid-19 Excess Deaths in 2020. Stop Lockdowns and Forced Rollout of Killer Vaccines. They are Illegal and Deadly.”

Vaccines Have Killed Over a Million and Harmed Hundreds of Millions. Real Pandemic of the Vaccinated Threatening the World, Fueled by Panic Over False Positives from RT-PCR Tests.

In a response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) admitted that they do not have a Certified Reference Material (CRM) for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that triggered global lockdowns and forced vaccine mandates. A CRM or “positive control” in the language of DOH, is needed by lab tests (RT-PCR) to determine whether a person has positively tested for SARS-CoV-2.

Nicanor Perlas, Chief Researcher and Head of Covid Call to Humanity, a global information network, asked the DOH, via an FOI request on August 10, 2021, to show proof of the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

DOH referred the FOI request to its partner institution, RITM, or the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine. RITM responded: “We do not have such information as we do not perform virus isolation at RITM.”[efn_note]Letter of Celia C. Carlos, M.D., Director IV, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, addressed to Lilibeth C. David, M.D., Undersecretary, DOH. Letter dated 17 August 2021. Subject: Response to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Request of a Private Citizen”, the latter identified later as Nicanor Perlas. See attached.[/efn_note]

“This is a huge scandal and tragedy”, emphasized Perlas. “Duterte, IATF, and the DOH have locked down our country for more than 16 months, all because of a virus that DOH has not proven to exist. Yet everything depends on the verified existence of the virus: the RT-PCR tests, the daily tally of test positives, the lockdowns, the quarantines, face masks, and mass vaccinations, among other deeply flawed and unscientific policies”, continued Perlas.

Instead, for its RT-PCR tests, DOH relies on assumed fragments of the virus. It uses as its “positive controls” “nucleic acid fragments taken from the virus or synthesized”.[efn_note]Ibid.[/efn_note]

(On the significance of “synthesized”, see CDC statement below regarding the need to construct an “in silico” or digital version of SARS-CoV-2.)

Perlas retorted: “How do we know that these genetic fragments are part of the Covid-19 virus if we have not even isolated the actual virus itself? This is huge scientific malpractice and should be stopped immediately.”

The CDC of the US explains the depth of the problem:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full-length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”[efn_note]CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use. Effective 7/13/2020, p.39.[/efn_note](Emphasis added.)

In short, since the existence of SARS-CoV-2 has not been demonstrated, CDC constructed an ‘in silico’, that is, a digital version of the virus. This then became the “positive control” of RT-PCR tests used worldwide, including the Philippines”, explained Perlas.

This is why CDC gave this disclaimer in its manual on RT-PCR tests.

  • “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. [Verifies Perlas comments above.]
  • “The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. [Note: Vaccine trials violate this.]
  • “The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV.”[efn_note]Ibid., p. 38.[/efn_note]

Citizens and scientists have made similar FOI requests in other countries, including Canada, Ireland, the US, Netherlands, Brazil, UK, Ukraine, and Australia. Government institutions in these countries have similarly not been able to show proof that they have isolated the virus. Chinese scientists have also admitted that this is the case.[efn_note]STEW PETERS – COVID NOT ISOLATED, DOES NOT EXIST! FOIA RESPONSE REVEALS WORLDWIDE HOAX! (8/6/21). [/efn_note]

The government of Alberta, Canada, lifted its lockdowns and related restrictions when, in a court case, its Minister of Health was not able to demonstrate that it had isolated the virus. Therefore, the lockdowns proved untenable.[efn_note][/efn_note]

Indeed, how can one legitimize a lockdown when no one in the world has isolated the virus? Also, how can one legitimize the use of RT-PCR tests when there is no “positive control” or CRM to confirm that indeed a person is infected with SARS-CoV-2, as clearly stated by CDC.

“Meanwhile forced mass vaccination rollouts continue around the world without any scientific justification. How can one create a vaccine when the whole viral target has not been identified”, questioned Perlas. “On the contrary, millions have died from the covid vaccines and hundreds of millions more have been injured by these vaccines.”[efn_note]; for July 2021. These are updated numbers constructed from different sources that were used for May 2021 which include the following. For the UK, see For the US, see For the EU, see[/efn_note]

In the Philippines, an FDA Report revealed that vaccines might have already killed 635 and seriously harmed 1,718 Filipinos.[efn_note]Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Reports of Suspected Adverse Reaction to COVID-19 Vaccines (01 March to 15 August 2021).[/efn_note] Using Harvard’s estimates that less than 1% of vaccine deaths are being reported,[efn_note]Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP: VAERS) Inclusive dates: 12/01/07 – 09/30/10 Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci. Team members: Michael Klompas, MD, MPH. Performing Organization: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc., Project Officer: Steve Bernstein[/efn_note] this could mean that the vaccines may have killed 63,500 Filipinos.

If this is true, then the vaccines have killed 600% more Filipinos in five (5) months than COVID-19 in 2020.

“There is NO epidemic. There is NO Health Emergency. There were NO Covid-19 Excess Deaths in 2020. Instead, the government is creating a Pandemic of the Vaccinated. We must pressure the government to stop the lockdowns and forced rollout of killer vaccines. These are illegal”, Perlas emphasized.

“This is no longer about our health. It is more about creeping totalitarian control of society and the suppression of the freedoms of Filipinos. We must stop this madness,” concluded Perlas.

Covid Call to Humanity is a global network of researchers dedicated to spreading the truth about Covid-19 and encouraging peaceful constructive action to bring back the rights, freedoms, and natural health of people globally. It is based in the Philippines.

Read Response to Our FOI Request

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    21 responses to “CCH FOI Bombshell: DOH Admits No Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Isolated. Yet Government Locked Down Nation Due to Virus No Country Has Yet Proven to Exist.”

    1. mmeneses Avatar

      Thank you for all that you do. You and all the warrior doctors, researchers, and woke citizens helping reveal the truth are all in my prayers. God bless you. WE SHALL OVERCOME!

      1. We are all warriors upholding our freedoms. All that we do is offer a collection of the information that is integral in fully understanding the situation we are currently in. We have always believed in the capacity of human beings to make the right decisions when given the right information. We hope that through our small effort, more people will be awakened of the lies and manipulation being done by governments and mainstream media.

        Please keep sharing the article, let’s get more people, particularly those in the Philippines to learn about this.

    2. Finally! We get them to admit that SARS-COV-2 does not exist!! Thank you for this and for exposing the SCAM! Please let us know what we can do to help. What is the call to action so we can end this Draconian measures and mandates and most of all end the genocide thru these injections!

      I made similar FOI request to Muntinlupa Health Officer asking for evidence of virus that has been isolated and purified. Not the one constructed from computer models. I am still waiting for the reply. We should now file suits to end the mask, closures, lockdowns based on the “non existent” virus.

      1. We shall let you know soon enough what the next steps are. In the meantime, please make sure to share this post. We are systemically getting censored both in the legacy media and social media and our posts are being taken down. The more people see this, the better.

        Thank you so much for your offer of help, the only way we can overcome this is together.

    3. Hi, I hope you dont mind me asking, I truly do not understand, so if the sars cov 2 virus is not isolated, then this means those who allegedly died of covid possibly died because of just a regular flu and not of covid?!?!?!? Thanks

      1. Hello,
        Based on the FOI, the “isolation” cannot be verified by countries because they did not do it themselves. They simply used whatever was included in the test kits. You have to remember that these tests are the basis of all lockdowns and extraordinary measures. It was the responsibility of governments to ensure that everything they use for disruptive policies are vetted and accurate. Which, obviously, the RT-PCR test kits are not.

        There simply is no way for us to verify if the people who allegedly died of COVID actually died from that disease. In fact, we do not yet know if SARS-CoV-2 can actually cause a new disease called COVID. To understand this a bit more, you can read

        1. Tahank you!!! its starting to make sense now, hope you dont mind me coming back for more questions

          1. yes, just ask away. we will try to answer when we can. 🙂

    4. Hi….please allow me to understand…so these test kits…who’s making them?

      1. Based on the FOI, the DOH uses 36 kinds of test kits, coming from different companies. Laboratories per city/municipality may use different kits, whichever was available to them. And according to the FOI, each test kit cannot be compared to the other. Does one test kit contain the same strain as the other? We don’t know. The RITM does not know, because they do not isolate the virus, and they simply use the “control” that comes with the kits.

        Like we mentioned in a previous comment if a government will use these tests as a gold standard for policies, the least they can do is make sure that they are accurate and that they are truly detecting what they were supposed to detect. So far, we have not yet seen a country that is in possession of a Certified Reference Material which can be used to cross-check the results of the RT-CPR test.

        Also see this:

    5. ARNULFO CEREZO Avatar


      ..KAYA’T KAPAG NAMATAY KA SA ANUMANG SAKIT……O KAHIT NAKALIMUTAN MO LANG NA HUMINGA…..ANG TAWAG PA RIN DIYAN ..AY NACOVID KA PA RIN….. BAKIT?… DAHIL IKAW AY NAG (+) SA SOTSOT ILONG TEST..NA HINDI sila lahat na stress palagi dahil sa sobrang takot o nagka-lagnat..ay tiyak na mag +…. dahil nagiging toxic o acidic o ang mga cells mo..




    6. RobertoFortu Avatar

      Indeed this government is blind because officials are bribed, thus they are traitors to their own citizens.

    7. This is showing in other countries too. Virologist have only isolated Influenza A or B. This has been going on for years even before this pandemic showed. The Wuhan incident may have released it that may caused faster and simultaneous infection around the world, still, it is treatable by existing medical treatments. What i see here is a panic is required to justify the vaccine. And we know how and who benefits from this.

      1. Hi ramon, have you seen the interview we had with Christine Massey? You can find it here:

    8. […] 31. August 2021: Das Forschungsinstitut für Tropenmedizin, Gesundheitsministerium, Philippinen. Artikel und FOI-Antwort: CCH FOI Bombenmeldung: DOH gibt zu, dass es keine Beweise für die Isolierung von SARS-CoV-2 gibt. Dennoch hat die Regierung das Land wegen eines Virus, dessen Existenz noch kein Land bewiesen hat, in den Lockdown geschickt.… […]

    9. […] Diseases (IATF), headed by the DOH secretary, relied on a faulty diagnostic test[efn_note]CCH FOI Bombshell: DOH Admits No Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Isolated. Yet Government Locked Down Nation Due…[/efn_note] and insisted on the use of draconian policies that suspended our civil liberties, […]

    10. Myrna Siguiente Avatar
      Myrna Siguiente

      Thank you for sharing this information…it’s over yet I can do something to stop this madness to.

    11. Myrna Siguiente Avatar
      Myrna Siguiente

      Thank you for sharing this information…It’s not over yet…

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