February 16, 2025

Media conditioning vaccinated for more COVID shots

Media conditioning vaccinated for more COVID shots

The profitability of Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccine business will depend on whether or not they are given the go signal to release booster shots.

In this July 1, 2021 article by Megan Redshaw published by The Defender, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said that there is no evidence to suggest that a booster shot is needed. This directly contradicts statements from Pfizer executives who assured their investors that an annual booster shot will be needed.

According to the ACIP, boosters will only be needed if there is a demonstrated decrease in efficacy, not just a waning antibody response, and if there is a variant that evades the vaccine.

Editor’s Note: If the CDC ACIP’s criteria for booster shots is decreased in the vaccine’s efficacy, and a new variant that evades the vaccine, then that’s what they are going to get. Several news outlets have already manufacturing fear-based news about new variants that are able to evade vaccines.1234

Meanwhile, health authorities in Israel are saying that Pfizer’s efficacy has dropped. These are all news targeted at selling the annual booster shots. Did we think that these vaccine manufacturers would willing to just give up one of their biggest income-generating projects? If you are monitoring the developments in vaccine rollouts you will see that this entire year of suffering has just been a marketing campaign (which is just one of the many agendas being pushed during this scamdemic).

We recommend you read the article Pfizer’s efficacy drops in Israel, cannot prevent people from getting COVID Delta variant which explains why there never really was any need for the vaccine. The article will also show you why booster shots are totally useless and unnecessary. If you still have time, read Health experts review some possible unintended consequences of mRNA COVID vaccines and New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination to know why we think that you should not take the vaccines at all.

Lastly, we think that it is so much better to focus on strengthening your own immune system. Don’t leave your health in the hands of people who only seek to profit from illness. To appreciate the power of your immune system, read Your immune system can protect you from COVID and all its future variants, anyone who says otherwise is lying.

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  1. In March 2021, reports that the “New York Variant” could evade vaccine-induced immunity started coming out, see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9389207/New-York-Covid-variant-evade-vaccine-triggered-immunity-UK.html
  2. In April 2021, Reuters reported that the South African variant may evade protection from Pfizer vaccine, see https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/south-african-variant-may-evade-protection-pfizer-vaccine-israeli-study-says-2021-04-12/
  3. In June 2021, The Mirror reported that the Delta-plus variant could evade vaccines, see https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/new-delta-plus-variant-experts-24377682
  4. Also towards the end of June 2021, experts have expressed their worry that the new Lambda variant could evade the vaccine, see https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2021/06/27/new-worrying-lamba-mutation-of-coronavirus-evades-vaccines/

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