German panel issues limited approval for COVID-19 shots for children and adolescents

This article published by Reuters last June 10, 2021 reports on the advisory released by Germany’s STIKO (Standing Committee on Vaccination).
The STIKO said in a statement that it recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine only for those children and adolescents with pre-existing conditions that increased their risk of a serious case of COVID-19. The article also notes that the STIKO does not currently recommend the use of vaccines for those aged 12-17 without pre-existing conditions, but that “doctors were allowed to give the shot if the individual accepts the risk”.
According to STIKO committee member Ruediger von Kriess, a pediatrics professor said that the decision considered the “lack of data on long-term effects” of the vaccines.
Editor’s Note: It is surprising that of all the countries that approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine on children, Germany is the first to limit the conditions of use. Even a normal person can make this deliberation!
Another point we want to comment on is the provision where doctors are still allowed to give children the vaccine, “if the individual accepts the risk”. Do they really think that children aged 12-17 years old are capable of making a life-changing decision such as this? In Germany, children aged below 14 cannot even be considered as criminally liable, how can anyone think that they have the capacity for true, informed consent?
While we consider this limited move from Germany a welcome change, we still believe that vaccines are unnecessary. There is no reason to vaccinate children given that COVID presents almost zero risk to this age group [see CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu]. In addition, the vaccines do not work. These vaccines are experimental and evidence shows that they are dangerous. Using the vaccines will not cure any pre-existing conditions for children, and could indeed worsen the health of a child who is already immunocompromised [see Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions, THE VACCINE DELUSION, PART 1: CBCP Pro-Vaccine Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will Not Remove Lockdowns. Ignores Reports of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries Including Death, Expert analysis shows COVID vaccines lead to new infections and deaths, Dr. Tess Lawrie: COVID vaccines unsafe for human use]. Any country that insists on vaccinating children is knowingly endangering the lives of children.
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