COVID vaccines not as effective as you think

The following is an article published by The Lancet last April 20, 2021. In this article, authors Piero Olliaro, Els Torrele, and Michel Valiant look at the real effectiveness of the vaccines by looking at the absolute risk reduction (ARR) which is the difference in protection rates between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. They find that compared to what is being touted by the media, the true effectiveness of the vaccines, as measured by the ARR is so much lower:

  • 1.3% for AstraZeneca
  • 1.2% for Moderna
  • 1.2% for Johnson & Johnson
  • 0.93% for Gamaleya
  • 0.84% for Pfizer-BioNTech.

Editor’s Note: We have previously reported on the ARR of Moderna and Pfizer in another article. So far, the ARR for Pfizer and Moderna on both this article and the previous one is almost the same [In the other article, ARR for Pfizer is at 0.7% and Moderna at 1.1%. To learn more read Study: Public misled about the efficacy reports of mRNA vaccines].

This article is important for several things. First, it has been published by Lancet, which is one of the top journals referenced by health experts. Second, it is an acceptance that the vaccines are not as effective as is being advertised by the media and health authorities. Third, as most people (possibly even doctors and health consultants in countries) do not know the ARR of COVID vaccines, this is already a clear breach of the informed consent policy. For example, in the Philippines, our health authorities have been touting vaccines as the way towards herd immunity, when the data in fact shows that the vaccines cannot prevent a person from infection, nor can they stop transmission. Finally, these untested, experimental vaccines are killing and seriously harming tens of thousands of people [Read New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination and GUIDEBOOK TO END LOCKDOWNS NOW: An Executive Summary by Nicanor Perlas to see the deatils].

People who are deliberating whether they should take the vaccine or not should consider the information contained in this Lancet article. And if the media wants to reclaim its credibility, it should start publicizing the true effectiveness of these experimental vaccines.

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