Members of European parliament served with Notice of Liability for COVID injection adverse effects and deaths

On April 20, 2021, members of the Doctors for Covid Ethics sent a notice of liability for COVID injection harms and deaths to all members of the European Parliament. The notice came ahead of the April 28, 2021 vote for the imposition of vaccine passports in Europe.
In the notice, Doctors for Covid Ethics assert that members of the parliament will be personally liable for the harms and deaths resulting from the implementation of the Digital Green Certificate. According to the organization, the certificate was “designed to coerce widespread acceptance of experimental vaccination”.
The notice adds, “you may be held personally responsible for supporting CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.
A complete list of recipients of the notice has been published here.
Founding signatories for Doctors for Covid Ethics include Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Marco Chiesa, Dr. C Stephen Frost, Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson, Prof. Martin Haditsch, Prof. Stefan Hockertz, Dr. Lissa Johnson, Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer, Associate Professor Michael Palmer, Prof. Karina Reiss, Prof. Andreas Sönnichsen, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and Dr. Michael Yeadon. They are joined by hundreds of other doctors and colleagues in allied disciplines. See the full list here.
Editor’s Note: We must remember that in February 2021, the Doctors for Covid Ethics was one of the first organizations to raise the issue of blood clotting to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) [see Doctors and scientists write open letter warning about safety concerns of COVID-19 experimental vaccines]. That letter raised seven issues about the safety of the vaccine and demanded a response from EMA, which was subsequently ignored by the drug regulator. We now know that the Doctor for Covid Ethics was right in their assertions [see EMA confirms: AstraZeneca vaccine linked to rare blood clots and EMA reviews Johnson & Johnson clot link, widens AstraZeneca probe].
We now know that the notice of liability issued by the organization to the European Parliament has largely been ignored, as the implementation of the Digital Green Certificates was passed last April 28, 2021.1 Though the parliament has made it a point to state that the COVID passports will only be in place for no longer than 12 months, we know that there is no guarantee once this gets implemented.
In response to the parliament’s decision, the same organization has released a new statement saying that the vaccine passport has no scientific basis [see Doctors around the world say vaccine passports unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe]. The World Health Organization has not offered support for vaccine passports, saying that “we are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission…There are all those other questions, apart from the question of discrimination against the people who are not able to have the vaccine for one reason or another” [see W.H.O. does not back vaccine passports – for now].
This tells us that politicians, without regard for scientific evidence, have been using the COVID crisis to gain tighter control of their citizens. This has to stop now, but it is up to citizens to put their government leaders in their right place.
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