The following article is a response to the change in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) policy on the reporting of breakthrough cases. Starting May 14, 2021, CDC will only monitor infection cases among the fully vaccinated (breakthrough cases) that were hospitalized or died. This, according to the organization, will “maximize the quality of data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance”.
This change comes after the CDC reduced the cycle threshold (Ct) used for vaccinated individuals. In a recently released document entitled Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation,[efn_note][/efn_note] the CDC specified that only those clinical specimens with Ct value of 28 will be examined.
According to Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Insitute in La Jolla, “We shouldn’t be narrowing the focus, we should be broadening and develop a systematic plan”. CDC’s Tom Clark says that the agency shifted its strategy because there are few worrying patterns in the data collected so far. He said, “I don’t think we’re missing out on this data…It’s just sort of a package of how we’re looking at these questions.”
As of April 26, 2021, there are now 9,245 breakthrough infections. 835 have been hospitalized while 132 led to death. [This number is almost double the data reported last April 13, 2021, see CDC: 5,800 fully vaccinated Americans have contracted COVID-19, 74 dead]. CDC acknowledges that their data may be an undercount, but offers no insight on the scale.
The article attached below was written by Elaine Chen for Bloomberg. It was published on May 9, 2021 and updated on May 10, 2021.
Editor’s Note: How smart it is for the CDC to adopt new measures for understanding breakthrough infections. Many would commend this move, but we want to remind you: the measures that the CDC is adopting now are the same ones experts have been recommending for the study of COVID infections for months!
Experts have been saying: use Ct below 35 and use clinical presentation for diagnosing disease [read New York Times: More experts questioning RT-PCR testing and WHO finally admits the problem of PCR tests]. The CDC ignored these recommendations until it was convenient for them to adopt them.
CDC’s change in policy will cover up the fact that the COVID injections do not offer protection from infection, and hence cannot be used for herd immunity. Breakthrough cases among the fully vaccinated are proof of this. By not monitoring the number of breakthrough cases and focusing instead on the hospitalizations and deaths among the fully vaccinated who contract COVID-19, people will lose access to a piece of important information they can use to assess the benefits and risk of vaccination.
Moreover, we would like to highlight the reality that even though the COVID injections were meant to prevent severe disease, data collected by the CDC shows that there is no guarantee that the injection works. Even the fully vaccinated can be hospitalized, or worse, die. If we add this fact to the thousands of people deaths and permanent injuries following vaccination, an honest government would have stopped the rollout already. Truly, this is genocide, and governments must be held accountable for this crime against humanity.
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