Dr. Mercola: Evidence of lying in US CDC

This February 16, 2021 article by Dr. Joseph Mercola relates the experience of Rep. Thomas Massie who attempted to get information at the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website following the results of his research. Rep Massie found evidence that those who have recovered from COVID-19 should no longer be vaccinated. He cited a statement from France’s health body, la Haute Autorite de Sante (HAS) which said: “…there is no need to systemically vaccinate people who have already developed a symptomatic form of COVID-19 unless they wish to do so following a decision shared with the doctors and within a minimum period of time”. This was in direct contrast to CDC’s recommendation which said, “Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with COVID-19 is possible, vaccine should be offered to you regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection”.
According to Massie, CDC’s statement implied that the vaccine will save lives, even if you’ve already had the virus and recovered, the exact opposite of what the data says.
Massie reveals the several instances he called and spoke to CDC, and how CDC representatives acknowledged the mistake, but did nothing to change the information on the website. On his third call, Massie says that deputy director Anne Schuchat acknowledged that a correction of the statement was necessary, which was then issued last January 29, 2021. The new statement now reads: “Consistent high efficacy…was observed across age, sex, race, and ethnicity categories and among persons with underlying medical conditions. Efficacy was similarly high in a secondary analysis including participants both with or without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection”.
For Massie, this was new statement was even more misleading than the first as it suggests that vaccination is effective for those previously infection. He goes on to review some of the resources proving that those who already had the virus should not be a priority for vaccination. He cites Dr. Meryl Nass who said, “People who have had COVID really have no business getting vaccinated – they get all the risk and none of the benefit.”
Editor’s Note: What is preventing the US CDC from telling the truth about COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2? From the beginning, it knew that the virus has not been isolated, and that it was not infectious to humans [see CDC published article showing SARS-CoV-2 not infectious to humans]. It knew that most people who contract the virus were bound to survive it [read CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu]. It also knew that individuals with no symptoms should not be tested to prevent false positives [see CDC changes guidelines for testing: No more test for asymptomatics]. Despite all these, however, the institution failed to make an educate pandemic responses in states. Is CDC still being run by scientists, or are they in the payroll of companies that do not have citizen interest as priority?
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