Year: 2020

  • These experts are criticizing the coronavirus panic

    These experts are criticizing the coronavirus panic

    This article from the Off Guardian lists 10 experts whose voices are currently being disregarded or drowned out because they are offering an alternative narrative of the coronavirus outbreak. Names included in this article include Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Karin Mollig, Dr. Anders Tegnell, Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt, Dr. Eran Bendavid, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr.…

  • Quarantine rules for seniors eased

    Quarantine rules for seniors eased

    Following a series of post protesting the decision to continue the quarantine of those aged 60 has an above, the government is finally allowing senior citizens to go out of their homes.  In a statement read by Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez, seniors are now allowed to leave their homes if they are going for medical…

  • New Zealand is now at COVID-19 level 3. Here’s what that means

    New Zealand is now at COVID-19 level 3. Here’s what that means

    New Zealand (NZ) created a 4-level alert system which specifies measures to be taken against COVID-19 at each level. Level 4 is complete lockdown, while level 3 features restrictions on several sectors in the society [see NZ’s COVID-19 website to learn more about the 4-level alert system]. At alert level 3, preschool and primary schools…

  • How to stay healthy in the time of COVID-19

    How to stay healthy in the time of COVID-19

    The following article was published by Greenpeace Philippines in March to educate Filipinos on how we can keep healthy amidst the community quarantine and the anxiety brought about by the coronavirus. Some suggestions on how we can boost our immune system include the following: hydrate, get enough sleep, get moving, and keep calm and stay positive. The article…

  • Practicing wellness while on quarantine

    Practicing wellness while on quarantine

    In this article, Harpreet Gujral, director of the integrative medicine program at John Hopkins’ Sibley Memorial Hospital, offers seven suggestions on staying centered and healthy while we work at home during the pandemic. These seven suggestions include: greeting the day, breathing to relieve stress, moving and stretching both indoors and outdoors, eating well, creating a…

  • What if COVID-19 immunity doesn’t last?

    What if COVID-19 immunity doesn’t last?

    In this article for MIT Technology Review, Antonio Regalado surveys what we know about coronaviruses in general in order to answer these questions: Will those who recovered from COVID-19 have immunity over the coronavirus? How long will this immunity last? Because we are only a few months into the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, we will not be able to…

  • How to keep kids healthy during this pandemic

    How to keep kids healthy during this pandemic

    COVID-19 may not be affecting children as much as adults [see Why Is The Coronavirus Sparing Kids?] but the “mild” symptoms children experience can be disconcerting to parents. Like adults, children may exhibit cough and fever, as well as sore throat, excessive fatigue, diarrhea, and pneumonia. As such, children too, must learn how they can…

  • Why is the coronavirus sparing kids?

    Why is the coronavirus sparing kids?

    In this March article published by The Washington Post, authors William Wan and Joel Achenbach explore the viable reasons why the novel coronavirus is leaving children virtually untouched. Was it the immune system that determined who lives or dies? Vineet Mernachery, a virologist from the University of Texas Medical Branch says critical cases may be due…

  • Stanford doctor calls for the end of total lockdowns in the US

    Stanford doctor calls for the end of total lockdowns in the US

    In this article published by The Hill Dr. Scott Atlas says that there is enough data that supports the end of total lockdown in US states. He says that instead of overemphasizing estimates, leaders must utilize empirical evidence and the fundamentals of biology when creating COVID-19 response policies and guidelines.  In this article, Atlas highlighted five key…

  • Stockholm, Sweden expected to reach collective  immunity in weeks

    Stockholm, Sweden expected to reach collective immunity in weeks

    In an interview with CNBC last April 22, 2020, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said that they are already seeing the effects of collective immunity in Stockholm and several major parts of Sweden. Tegnell made this pronouncement as growth rate of infections is starting to plateau in the capital city and situation is stable in the rest…

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