Year: 2020
Separating science from politics and fear-mongering
In this commentary article for CNS News, Jeffrey Mc Call, professor of communication at DePauw University talks about how science has been misused both in public policy and media reporting on COVID-19. McCall says that science was heralded as the source of the decision for lockdowns, but leaders have failed to consider the sociopolitical, cultural, and…
Philippine doctors weigh in on the educational situation of children and adolescents
The following is a copy of the statement of 11 medical professionals on school closures due to the coronavirus and its impact on children and adolescents. It also offers 12 recommendations on how schools can be reopened safely, with little to no risk among children and adolescent learners. Editor’s Note: Experts from various countries have reiterated…
Statement on the Education Situation of Children and Adolescents
4 June 2020 – Many countries around the world closed schools due to the current SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. This was a logical response in the early days of the epidemic when there was a lack of data and many unknown variables concerning Covid-19. After the ensuing months of data collection and scientific evidence and analysis…
DepEd postpones face-to-face classes until COVID-19 vaccine is available
In response to the June 5 taped address of Philippine Pres. Rodrigo Duterte, education secretary Leonor Briones released a statement today, June 8, 2020, confirming the postponement of face-to-face classes until a vaccine is available. Preparations for blended learning are currently underway and classes are still scheduled to start on August 24, 2020. As of…
There is no evidence to support second wave of the coronavirus
In this article for The Telegraph, virologist Hugh Pennington says that there is no evidence that can support the possibility of a second wave of coronavirus cases. He says that the notion emerged due to the Spanish flu, the Asian flu, and the swine flu, but the coronavirus is very different. Pennington adds that coronavirus occurs…
Lessons from the countries that brought their coronavirus cases to almost zero
The following article written by Jason Beaubien for NPR attempts to harness the lessons for controlling the coronavirus outbreak from the countries that succeeded in doing so. Some of the countries identified in this article include New Zealand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Vietnam. What were the common factors that led to these countries’ success? Here…
Norwegian health chief: The lockdown was not necessary to control COVID-19
In this article for The Spectator, author Fraser Nelson reports on the latest publication of the Norwegian public health authority. According to the report, the coronavirus was never spreading as fast as was projected by the Imperial College London, and it was in fact, on the way out when the lockdown was implemented in the country…
Science says it’s time to open schools
In this article for The Hill, Dr. Scott Atlas tackles the important issue of school reopening and the unhealthy health standards being imposed on children. Dr. Atlas reminds us of the absurdity of locking down schools due to COVID-19 when influenza takes the life of more children annually. Moreover, he says that children are rarely carriers…
102 evidences showing the COVID-19 pandemic is false
On April 16, 2020, Kevin’s Galalae of the Center of Global Consciousness released a document which summarized 102 articles which showed that the panic surrounding COVID-19 is baseless. Galalae looks at anomalies to the recording of COVID-19 deaths, as well as the data showing that most of those infected by the new coronavirus are symptom-free.…
Reopening schools in Denmark did not worsen coronavirus outbreak
Data from schools and daycares in Denmark show that the reopening of schools in the country did not lead to an increase in coronavirus infections. Students in Denmark were allowed back in school last April 15, 2020. The article attached below was published on May 28, 2020, a month and a half since school reopening. The…