Year: 2020
Spanish government apologized to children for lockdowns
In April 23, 2020, Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Pablo Iglesias apologized to children for confining them in their homes since mid-March when the lockdowns started. Iglesias also thanked children for the sacrifices they have made. Spanish children have been allowed to play outside of their homes since April 26, 2020. Editor’s Note: The apology issued by…
Fine print in vaccine packages link it to hundreds of medical conditions
The best way to know the side effects of vaccines is to read the fine print on the package insert. Atleast 22 vaccines list allergic hypersensitivity as an adverse reaction, while 31 vaccines list post-vaccine anaphylactic reactions. Vaccine package inserts have been made available online by both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and vaccine…
Sweeping lockdowns failed to protect vulnerable populations
New evidences are showing us that sweeping lockdowns have not been able to control the spread of the coronavirus, and that it must now be replaced with targeted interventions. In this article for Forbes, Grace Marie Turner says that insisting on lockdowns will prove to be harmful in most areas and will divert the focus…
Fatality rates in Italy are misleading
In this March 25, 2020 article written by Peter Andrews for RT, he explains why the computed fatality rates in Italy are misleading. Firstly, he says that it is an accepted fact that confirmed coronavirus cases are underestimated as there is no way for countries to test its entire population. Second, Andrews says that the…
6 reasons to assuage your coronavirus panic
In this March 26, 2020 article, Marcia Freeman says that the coronavirus hysteria was fueled by governments and mainstream media, and is currently being exploited to further a new global agenda. With our established rights and freedoms already under attack, Freeman says that we need to adjust our responses to the actual threat posed by…
COVID-19 no longer a high consequence infectious disease
As of March 21, 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered as a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) according to Public Health England. The decision to downgrade the category of COVID-19 came as new information about the disease has been discovered. Some of the factors that led to this decision include the low overall mortality rate,…
What’s next after the coronavirus?
In this article for Global Research, Peter Koenig explores how the world can change after the coronavirus pandemic. As the virus has brought the entire world to a standstill, the time is ripe for systemic change. Koenig says that two future possibilities are emerging. On one hand, is the rise of 5G and artificial intelligence…
Zoom Joins Censorship Bandwagon for China
On June, 12,2020 Reclaim The Net revealed that Zoom was tweaking its app to enable it to restrict the participation of users from targeted geographic areas of the world. Zoom’s rationale for censorship of certain users is to ‘comply with requests from local authorities’. As it turns out, that “local authority” is China. Zoom has…
Did Bill Gates just reveal the reason behind the lockdowns?
This Off Guardian article written by Rosemary Frei analyzes the TED Connects interview given by Bill Gates last March 24, 2020. In the interview, Gates talks about the economic consequences of the lockdowns and how the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust are fast-tracking the creation of vaccines in order to end this lockdown. Frei highlights…
Global Study: No child known has passed coronavirus to adults
Alison Boast, Alasdair Munro, and Henry Goldstein have reviewed 319 scientific studies related to children and COVID-19. From their research, they have discovered the following: Very few children have COVID-19. This trend is true for many countries around the world and is confirmed by testing in South Korea, Iceland, and the Italian town of Vo.…