September 13, 2024

What’s next after the coronavirus?

What’s next after the coronavirus?

In this article for Global Research, Peter Koenig explores how the world can change after the coronavirus pandemic. As the virus has brought the entire world to a standstill, the time is ripe for systemic change. Koenig says that two future possibilities are emerging. On one hand, is the rise of 5G and artificial intelligence as an antidote to the widespread economic depression that has gripped our societies. As people are now in a panic, the issue of privacy and surveillance has taken a backseat – people are now willing to surrender their civil rights in exchange for safety. Vaccination will become a tool for depopulation, and whole populations will be manipulated into accepting this.

The other possibility is the resurgence of an interconnected world that is founded on the realization that the world is alive. People will awaken to the coronavirus deception, and they will also start seeing the destruction that results from this fake pandemic. Demand for real change will soon ensue. The neoliberal corrupt system will come crashing down, and economies will become self-sufficient and autonomous.

Koenig says that if we are to overcome the impact of this pandemic, we must act in solidarity to extend our “hands, arms, and souls with all our positive spirits and actions”.

Editor’s Note: We began this website with the knowledge that COVID-19 will reshape our societies. The deeper we go into our research, the more we uncover the power dynamics that have created this fake pandemic, and the even greater power of the human spirit to overcome and create lasting change.

This pandemic has shown us that we have the spiritual resilience to overcome the propaganda. Through an active search for knowledge, we are equipped with the necessary tools to go against the forces that wish to disempower and monetize our humanity. It is time for us to wake up – together, we are strong [see the Landing Page to discover the unique call of COVID to humanity].

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