Year: 2020
Recommendation for physicians and authorities for the treatment of COVID-19
The following article was published by the Swiss Policy Research (SPR) last July 2, 2020 and was updated last September 4, 2020. In it, SPR offers a protocol for the treatment of COVID-19. The website says that this protocol has been developed through available evidence and clinical experience. SPR also explains why and how specific drugs…
Common law communities ban COVID restrictions
In an act of direct democracy, People’s Assemblies in Vancouver Island have issued a national law preventing government officials from creating and implementing oppressive COVID-19 policies, for example, mandatory masking, social distancing guidelines, quarantining, and vaccines. Last September 8, 2020, the Republic of Kanata passed Public Safety Law NCCLA Order No. 09082020-A which states that…
Thousands of Canadians join March of Freedom against COVID-19 restrictions
Organizers of the March for Freedom held in Montreal estimate that 100,000 people joined the weekend protest held last September 12, 2020. Speakers at the event reviewed evidences from the Oxford University’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine which suggests that majority of current COVID-19 policies have no scientific evidence. Like the European rallies, the Montreal protests called…
UN admits polio outbreak in Sudan caused by Gates’ funded oral vaccine
A week after the World Health Organization declared the African continent to be free of wild poliovirus, reports from Sudan show a new polio outbreak in the country. In this article published by AP News last September 2, 2020, author Maria Cheng says that the outbreak is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad.…
New York Times: The coronavirus is mutating, and that’s fine
In this opinion piece for the New York Times, evolutionary virologist Dr. Edward Holmes criticizes how the talk of a new, more virulent form of SARS-CoV-2 is causing unnecessary fear and confusion. Dr. Holmes says that reinfection is not unique to the new coronavirus as it happens to other viruses. He says that viruses mutate…
Sweden discovers 3,700 false positives from test kit
A report published by the Local SE last August 25, 2020 showed that 3,700 SARS-CoV-2 cases in Sweden were in fact false positives. The inaccuracy was discovered following the quality control tests carried out by two Swedish laboratories. The test kits, manufactured by BGI Genomics from China, were designed to show if a patient has…
CDC update shows only 6% of deaths was caused by COVID-19 alone
The September 2, 2020 update released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 94% of all COVID-19 deaths has at least 2.6 other diseases. Only 6% of all death certificates processed listed COVID-19 as the only cause mentioned [we will remember that in early April, several medical professionals were already raising…
More Filipinos begin to question the mainstream COVID-19 narrative
More Filipinos are awakening to the many false narratives about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 being peddled by governments and mainstream media. In a recent “excursion” through Facebook, we saw regular citizens posting insights which echo some of the points we have been repeating since we first established this website. We know that many of…
BBC: Coronavirus tests could be picking up dead virus
In a report for the BBC last September 5, 2020, Rachel Schraer reports on the increasing lack of confidence on the results of RT-PCR tests which are used to detect SARS-CoV-2 infections. Schraer inteviews various experts such as Prof. Carl Henegan who says that tests must have a cut off point so that smaller viral…
German virologist: Coronavirus infectiousness over in five days
In his podcast published at the beginning of September, top German virologist Christian Drosten suggested the shortening of quarantine periods as people suspected of having COVID-19 are no longer infectious after five (5) days. Drosten also says that he is confident that coronavirus patients get immunity and that reinfection is very rare. In response to…