More Filipinos begin to question the mainstream COVID-19 narrative

More Filipinos are awakening to the many false narratives about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 being peddled by governments and mainstream media. In a recent “excursion” through Facebook, we saw regular citizens posting insights which echo some of the points we have been repeating since we first established this website.
We know that many of these posts cannot be attributed to us, for most of the individuals we found (featured below) are unknown to us. None of them have reposted a link from our website, so we know that a majority (if not all) of them have not yet read our site. We are overjoyed by this discovery because it is a validation that if people only followed the evidence, they will come to the same conclusions as we did.
This “pandemic” is not as deadly as we were led to believe, and the policies instituted to control the virus created the problems we are experiencing now. Lockdowns do not work, and the over focus on COVID-19 has caused the unnecessary overburdening of our health care system. COVID-19 symptoms can be treated, and no one has to die – early treatments are available to boost recovery of the immunocompromised. We are not powerless against this virus, and it is time to go back to normal. There is no need for a new normal dominated by paranoia and fear.
Here are some of the more notable posts we found.
COVID-19 is not as deadly as we were made to believe

The RT-PCR test is defective and must not be the basis of policy decisions

Lockdowns are harmful and must be lifted:
To read Fr. Aquino’s full post, download the following image:

It is safe to reopen schools

Early treatment for COVID-19 can help decongest hospitals

Read Lyndon Cana’s full post below:

We are not powerless against the coronavirus
Here is Francis Abraham’s full post: