Day: November 2, 2020
WHO study shows remdesivir offers no benefit to COVID-19 patients
Data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Solidarity Trial shows that remdesivir does not help patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms get out of the hospital quickly. This result contradicts a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded trial which said that the drug reduced the amount of time of hospitalized adults to be discharged. Principal investigator for…
Taiwan just went 200 days without local transmission
The following article was published by CNN last October 30, 2020. As the title implies, it reports on the 200th consecutive day without locally transmitted COVID-19 in Taiwan. It also discusses how Taiwan made this achievement. It said, “Taiwan has never had to enact strict lockdowns. Nor did it resort to drastic restrictions on civil…
Coronavirus restrictions, a monument of collective hysteria and folly
In a lecture delivered to the Cambridge Freshfields, Lord Jonathan Sumption condemned the COVID measures implemented by the British government. Lord Sumption also says that these COVID restrictions are the “most significant interference with personal freedom” in the history of the country. He added that the powers granted by the Public Health Act does not…
Fauci: Safe and effective vaccine could be ready by end of November
Dr. Anthony Fauci, senior advisor to US president Donald Trump and directory of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) confirms Trump’s claim that a safe and effective vaccine could be ready by end of November. Fauci’s pronouncement comes after it was revealed that the UK government has introduced new laws that will…
Robert Kennedy gives inspiring message to citizens protesting against coronavirus restrictions
In this 18-minute video released by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) last October 24, 2020, Robert Kennedy, Jr. asks important questions that can help uncover the truth about the new coronavirus. He asks: why aren’t governments doing anything to uncover the source of the SARS-CoV-2? Why aren’t they trying to uncover the truth about masking…
World Doctors’ Alliance: Another group of internationally-renowned medical experts call for end of all coronavirus restrictions
On October 10, 2020, the World Doctors’ Alliance (WDA) was interviewed by the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee or Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU) as a part of the hearings that ACU is conducting [to learn about the world of the ACU, read 500 German doctors and scientists form organization to investigate global coronavirus response]. The published…
SARS-CoV-2 will probably become endemic
In this article for the World Economic Forum Hans Heesterbeek, professor of Theoretical Epidemiology from the Utrecht University says that COVID-19 will not be eradicated quickly, even when vaccines becomes available. Heesterbeek says that a more realistic scenarios is that SARS-CoV-2 will be added to the “(large and growing) family of infectious diseases that are…