Another frontliner doctor pushes back against censorship

This video from The High Wire features Dr. Lisa Koche who was inspired by the press conference at Capitol Hill by America’s Frontliner Doctors [read Read it yourself: Transcript of the first press conference of America’s Frontline Doctors]. Dr. Koche, a triple board certified physician, expresses her dismay at the censorship faced by America’s Frontliner Doctors and has decided to put her own license on the line to support their position. Dr. Koche reminds us of the fraud concerning the study on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and how new researches are using four times the amount of dosage previously recommended, hence ensuring the failure of these tests.
Dr. Koche says that objectivity in science must return and physicians must be allowed to discuss their own experiences with various types of treatments with their fellow doctors. She also reveals the obstacles doctors must now face in prescribing previously tested anti-viral treatments. Dr. Koche also expressed that people are living in fear, and as a consequence, collective critical thinking is thrown out the window.
Editor’s Note: One of the most important revelation in this video interview with Dr. Koche is that medicine has become a realm for politics. Information that could have saved people and prevented deaths are being hidden from the very people who must work at the frontlines of this pandemic. And when these frontliners find the strength (and time) to finally speak their truth in public, they are muzzled, their voices silenced, their credibility tarnished.
But Dr. Koche said something in this interview that any critic must listen to. It no longer matters who is orchestrating this censorship, or what the agenda is. She stresses that the power is in our connection as humanity. She says “the more we wake each other up, and we question the narrative, that those questions will be answered”. She adds, “I don’t think pointing fingers, who it is, matters anymore, I think what matters is that we have the right to unbiased science. We have the right to freedom of speech. We have the right to connect.” Ultimately, the issue with censorship is this – Big Tech is telling us that we should not be listening to people they do not approve of [see The Pandemic Of Censorship]. Are we now so childish we need these companies to monitor the videos we watch and the articles we read?
We must reclaim our humanity and our freedom. We begin by ending the fear [ read END THE LOCKDOWNS! Stop It Outside By Ending the Lockdowns Inside Us].
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