Category: Truth Reset
MH370 Investigator Says US Has Technology That Can Warp Space-Time and Gravity
In this 1-hour+ interview with former Fox News anchor Clayton Morris, citizen journalist Ashton Forbes talks about his discoveries relating to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 ten years ago. Forbes expounds on the science of the plane’s disappearance, through technology that can bend space-time and gravitational waves. Forbes maintains this technology would change…
Fact-Checkers: Gatekeepers of Opinion or Vanguards of Information?
The article discusses the controversial role of fact-checkers, highlighting both positive and negative sides. It reports the growing recognition that some fact-checkers may not be as unbiased as claimed and may even contribute to censorship. Evidence suggests that fact-checking efforts often result in significant suppression of content on social media platforms like Facebook. Editor’s Note:…
Veteran Journalist Breaks Down How NPR and Legacy Media Lost America’s Trust
In this article, Uri Berliner, a senior editor at the NPR discusses has NPR shifted from a trusted news source to a very biased one. Berliner says, “It’s true NPR has always had a liberal bent, but during most of my tenure here, an open-minded, curious culture prevailed… In recent years, however, that has changed.…
American Journalism Headed Toward Extinction
In this article for The Atlantic, Paul Farhi discusses the recent wave of layoffs at the Los Angeles Times and reflects on the broader challenges facing the media industry. The decline of legacy media has been ongoing for decades, but it is now coming to a turning point, as many local outlets are forced to…
Mainstream Media Melts Down Following Tucker Carlson Interview With Vladimir Putin
The following is an almost 4-minute video compilation showing the organized propaganda against Tucker Carlson after he announced his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Editor’s Note: Do you still believe that mainstream media is independent? [Read Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts]. If…
Propaganda: Newsweek claims Tucker Carlson Could Face Sanctions Over Putin Interview
Tucker Carlson’s upcoming interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised concerns among European Union lawmakers, who suggest Carlson could face sanctions for his association with Putin. Some EU officials view Carlson as a mouthpiece for both Putin and former President Trump. However, any sanctions would require evidence of Carlson’s involvement in activities supporting Russian…
WSJ Editor Complains at WEF: We No Longer Own The News
In a discussion forum at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, Emma Tucker, Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal said, “If you go back really not that long ago, as I say, we owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well. If it is said…
Science Totalitarism Now Threatens Liberalism
In this January 24, 2024 article, Maximilien LaCour discussed how science poses a threat to the “ideals of liberalism and the robustness of modern states”. LaCour talks about the “socio-political” characteristics of science and the “enclosures” of scientific disciplines that enable it “quasi-hegemonic authority” over its area. LaCour uses the various pandemic responses implemented at…
Some Journal Editors Bribed By Firms To Publish Fake Papers
An investigation by Science reveals that paper mills have written several papers published in journals. These researches contain made-up data, and are low quality, if not outright plagiarized. Companies offer large sums of cash to journal editors in return for accepting papers for publication. According to the investigation, more than 30 editors of respectable journals…
Recently, CCH wrote about alarming topics emerging from the current WEF meeting of global elites in Davos, Switzerland.1 The past days have revealed more concerning topics. At the same time, the WEF meeting also showed signs that the effects of the resistance were making a considerable impact on the conduct of the Davos meeting. Let…